Wreckless Eric and Amy Rigby
Local 506
Chapel Hill, NC
September 19, 2008
Recording - Larry Tucker
Peluso CEMC6 CK4 > FR2-LE @ 24/44.1
Adobe Audition > CD Wave > Flac
Recording is continuous from CD1 into CD2
The band was late arriving from Nashville and thus didn't get a proper soundcheck,
so it was done just prior to their set. I left it in because of the banter between
Eric and Amy. This was a really great show, but I think Eric's guitar at times was
a bit too loud. I still think the overall sound of the show is pretty good. The
between these newlyweds, as of April, was obvious. Amy's ex, Will Rigby was in the
audience as weel as Peter Holsapple and Mitch Easter. Actually Holsapple was in the
opening band A Refusal to Mourn the Death by Fire of a Child in London, an ambient
ensemble of five guitarists. All in all a night to remember.
Wreckless Eric Goulden - electric guitar, bass vocals
Amy Rigby - acoustic guitar, keyboard, vocals
Disc One
01 -soundcheck-
02 You Can't Be a Man (Without A Beer In Your Hand)
03 Til The Wheels Fall Off
04 -banter-
05 Another Drive-In Saturday
06 Like Rasputin
07 Raising The Bar
08 -banter-
09 Reconnez Cherie
10 -banter-
11 Same
12 -banter-
13 A Taste Of The Keys
14 -banter-
15 It's Not Safe
16 -banter-
17 You Tore Me Down (Cyril Jordan/Chris Wilson)
18 -banter
19 Round
20 -banter-
21 Ballad of Easy Rider (Roger McGuinn)
22 -banter-
23 Men In Sandals
24 Hit And Miss Judy
Disc Two
01 -song intro-
02 Please Be Nice To Her
03 Kilburn Lane
04 All I Want
05 Walking On The Surface Of The Moon
06 Dancing With Joey Ramone
07 -song intro-
08 Whole Wide World
09 Take The Cash (K.A.S.H.)
10 -song intro-
11 I Still Miss Someone