Rockfreaks present
Freak Sabbath Vol. 1
Vortex Surfer Siegen, Germany
February - 12 - 2016
Rec. Info:
Zoom H2 (@ WAV 16/44) -> Memory card -> HD -> Wavelab (edit/volume boost+balance only) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
Recorded third row - left side - 2m from stage
Wucan was announced as:
WUCAN, die junge Band aus Dresden um S�ngerin Francis Tobolsky hat den Sound der 60er und 70er Jahre auf wunderbare Weise
in die heutige Zeit transferiert Dies haben WUCAN auch auf dem Hammer Of Doom-Festival 2014 bewiesen, wo Francis und ihre
drei Mitmusiker mit ihrem Folk/Progressive/Psychedelic/Blues/Kraut/Rock a la Fleetwood Mac, Cactus, Free, Jethro Tull,
Renft -- um nur einige ihrer Einfl�sse zu nennen -- richtig abger�umt haben und so bereits eine erste Duftmarke setzten.
Um sich live einem gr��eren Publikum vorzustellen, begeben sich WUCAN auf Deutschland-Tournee.
WUCAN kommen mit Macht - und werden die 60er/70er Jahre zur�ck bringen.
Listening to Wucan live was the reason for me to visit the Freak Valley X-Mas special at the Vortex last year - but what a pitty the didn�t play.
So it was a must for me to enter the Vortex again yesterday evening.
And they were great!
As a christmas gift for myself I bought some new mics OKM and had some trouble during the first track so I decide to record the following tracks
of the show with the internal mics of my Zoom H2.
01. beginning till mic-crash (2:07)
02. --- (6:10)
03. Franis Vikarma (5:36)
04. -- (6:15)
05. - (4:55)
06. Wandersmann (16:36)
---Encore ---
07. Am I evil (9:01) *
* Diamond Head song, probably better known from the Metallica version...
facebook/bandcamp ect. sites...
tourdates so far...all in Germany...
19.02.2016 Gera @ S�chsischer Bahnhof
20.02.2016 Sonderhausen @ Achteckhaus
11.03.2016 Erfurt @ Museumskeller
12.03.2016 M�nchen @ Backstage - Under The Black Moon Festival
02.04.2016 M�nster, Sputnikhalle - Alterna Festival
09.04.2016 Frankfurt/M. @ Das Bett - Sky High Festival
16.04.2016 Bad Salzungen @ Pressenwerk
19.05.2016 Fulda @ Kulturkeller Kreuz
20.05.2016 Leipzig @ Moritzbastei
28.07.2016 Breitenbach @ Burg Herzberg Festival (actual date to be annouced)
05.08.2016 Beelen @ Krach am Bach Festival (actual date to be announced)
Support this fantastic band, go to their shows, buy all the merchandise your spaceship can carry!
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use only. No lossy blog/tracker use! Flac rules!
If you spread keep linage/taper info intact. It's us tapers that give you this recording for free!
If you sell (this recording)...go fucking straight to hell...
WUCAN do...
Francis Tobolsky - vocals, guitar, flute
Tim George - guitar
Patrik Droege - bass
Phil ... - drums
Enjoy it.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: