Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra with Wynton Marsalis
McCain Auditorium - Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS
Source: Church Audio CA-14 cardioids > CA-9000 > Edirol R-09 @24/48
Location: lower balcony, row A seat 28 / mics collar mounted
Transfer: SD card > pc > Audacity (amplification, compression, & fades) > dithered to 16 bit w/ r8brain > CDWave > Flac level 6
Taped and Transferred by: Jeremy Lykins (jeremylykins hotmail com)
set/disc 1:
01. intro
02. Wigwam
03. Crystal Silence
04. intro to Epistrophy
05. Epistrophy
06. intro to The Duke
07. The Duke
08. intro to Straight Up & Down
09. Straight Up & Down
set/disc 2:
01. intro
02. 2/3's (Two-Three's) Adventure
03. intro to Presidental Suite
04. Presidential Suite: Part II, Jawaharlal Nehru
05. intro to I Left My Baby
06. I Left My Baby
07. intro to Ochas: Part III, Ogun
08. Ochas: Part III, Ogun
09. applause / band intros
10. Knozz-Moe-King > ?
notes: There is a weird digital flutter at the beginning of "Wigwam." I'm not sure what it is, but it's there. Set 2 track 10 is a quartet of Wynton, the drummer, pianist, and bass player.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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