Desertfest Berlin 2013
Astra Musikhalle, Berlin, Germany
April - 27 - 2013
a LORD DIE recording VOL. 48
Rec. Info:
Zoom H2 with internal mics at WAV 16/44, taped somewhere in the crowd. Received via USB stick -> my HD -> Audacity (edit/remaster) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
Sound was very bass heavy with a tiny little bit distortion due to the limited sound range of the internal mics used, but nothing too serious. This is a straight in your face recording!
A few pics are included as well. All thanks to LORD DIE for capturing this strange moment in music history.
Here are a few shows from this year's Desertfest in Berlin, all taped by dear LORD DIE, all with some nice pictures included. B4 you ask: There are no recordings from the opening night,
as the LORD got his whole equipment confiscated while gettin' in. While we all know that live music taping here in Germany is a bit adventurous, due to the legal issues, the Desertfest
is a festival which features mostly unknown, or better "for no recording industry use and big cd sales figures" bands. Therefor I was quite surprised about what had happenend to the LORD.
Anyway, he finally got some recordings, and as Desertfest is not on the NAV list here, we like to give you some. This is more stealth than usual...
Here's the second part of the double feature of FATSO JETSON/YAWNING MAN from the final day. Unfortunately there is no recording of the FJ part of the show, so we have top live with what we
get here. 40 minutes of dry hot air from the desert. I'm not too familiar with this band, so maybe someone else (Guess I know who...) will step in with the correct setlist. Meanwhile enjoy
the legends of StonerRock...SB.
FULL SPLIT SET (40:10 min.)
01. Dark meet (6:03)
02. ... (6:38)
03. ... (5:29)
04. Stoney lonesome (7:16)
05. ... (8:52)
06. ... (5:50)
Support the band, go to their shows, buy all the merch your mule can carry!
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use only. No lossy blog/tracker use. Flac rules!
If you sell...it's lonely out there in the desert...and money won't help...as you can't eat or drink it...
GARY ARCE - guitar
Uploaded to DIME by Spacebandit 2013/07/16.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: