Here is what I believe is s relatively uncirculated incomplete show from Yes's first Relayer tour. Very good recording which I did not alter much. I did enhance the bass and cut out some of the dead space where cuts in songs were.

Greensboro, North Carolina
Nov. 24, 1974

Jon Anderson
Chris Squire
Steve Howe
Patrick Moraz
Alan White

1. Firebird Suite
2. Soundchaser
3. Close To The Edge
4. To Be Over
5. Gates Of Delirium
6. And You & I
7. Ritual (30 secs)

I credit the recording to Entish1. Here are his notes:
Greensboro, NC 11/24/74: (audience tape)

I have no memory of who this tape came from, other than it was probably through an ad I saw in Goldmine or Discoveries or the like. You would send off an SASE and get a list back in the mail, then choose the shows you wanted. I don't remember ever paying money for them, other than covering tape and postage costs - I assume it was fans who were trading mostly and also sharing with the likes of me, who had nothing to trade. I was looking for Gates but was bummed when I heard how chopped up the beginning was. I honestly listened to it once and never went back to it - I hate incomplete/cut songs. Over time, I forgot I even had this tape and it sat for a long time without being played. I guess I preseved it and stored it well.

Maxell XLII 90 >Nakamichi CR-1A cassette deck> Apogee Rosetta A/D 44.1/16 bit UV22 (soft limit off)>digital input to Roland VS 1680 in Mastering mode (no file compression)

I did no EQ, limiting, processing, editing, etc.

The tape was recorded very hot. The distortion at times could be from my tape being recorded too hot or maybe from the master. But it's on the tape and didn't happen during the transfer.

It almost sounds mono to me, which I find strange. Also very sibilant at times.

There should be about 4db of headroom to work with and I didn't put any track markers in.

Track list:
Sound Chaser
Close (cut near end)
To Be Over
Gates (a real mess at the beginning, missing a verse - a patch would be nice!)
And You And I
Ritual (beginning only, fades out)

There is no mention of the location in Jon's between song talking. There must have been a crowd issue: after Sound Chaser, he spends some time asking the people in the middle to move back to make more room for the people in front.

chewed/cut at 31.50 mid CTTE

thankyou very much/cut/flip 33.43

intro: (inaudible sentence) and uh, the title of the album is relayer and uh, the 1st song that we played to you was called soundchaser, that's one of the tracks from the album, and uh here's another one from the album, this is called to be over

intro: (clapping) thankyou very much, thankyou...there we go...we're gonna carry on with another track from the same album, uhm relayer...this is side one...of relayer....of the's titled...the gates of delirium (fireworks?)

cut/dropouts 44.39 46.35 47.06 beginning of GoD some clipping or "overexposure" in mid-section

minor warble/tape stretch in first 2 minutes

Ritual begins but is cut off after 30 seconds
