Friday, March 21st, 2014
Prospera Place
1223 Water Street
Kelowna, BC, Canada
Taper: LeifH
Source: CSBs (filter) > Sony PCM M10 @ 16/44.1 > Duracell 8GB microSD card
Transfer: Memory card > PC via USB > Wavepad Master's Edition (edits, amplify, tracking) > flac (8) via Frontend
Set I: 1:28:34
01 Close to the Edge
02 And You and I
03 Siberian Khatru
04 Going For The One
05 Turn of the Century
06 Parallels
07 Wondrous Stories
08 Awaken
Set II: 1:04:20
09 Yours Is No Disgrace
10 Clap
11 Starship Trooper
12 I've Seen All Good People
13 A Venture
14 Perpetual Change
15 Roundabout
I listened to Yes a lot growing up so it was cool to hear these albums live. They did Close To The Edge and Going For the One. Then there was an intermission, and when they came back they played The Yes Album plus an encore. I got into it but it does almost have the feel of a tribute band. The night before, ZZ Top played the same arena, they had a 'full concert' setup (even though the floor was very undersold). This night for Yes it was a 'half concert' and again it was pretty undersold. This show had very little promotion or advertising at all. At least with a lot of empty seats there's less crowd noise on the recording.
I also got the whole show on video which turned out pretty good. Being a 'half concert' there wasn't a lot of distance between me and the stage.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: