on the Village Lawn at The Meritage Resort and Spa
Napa, CA
October 31, 2023
Taper: The Jackal
Tascam DR-05 (internal mics) WAV > Dell Inspriron 13 > Audacity (fades, boost of banter between songs, tracking) FLAC
The Classic Tales of Yes Tour
This version of Yes:
Jon Davison
Geoff Downes
Steve Howe
Jay Schellen
Billy Sherwood
walk-on: The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra
Going for the One
It Will Be a Good Day (The River)
Machine Messiah
Steve speaks
I've Seen All Good People
America (Instrumental)
Time and a Word
South Side of the Sky
Jon Davison speaks
Turn of the Century
Steve gets cranky
Don't Kill the Whale
Cut From the Stars
excerpts from Tales From Topographic Oceans
Starship Trooper
Another Jackal Production Vol 3: Yes 2023-10-31 Meritage Resort, Napa CA
I've been a huge Yes fan for most of my concert-going career. Over the years I've seen them 15 times in various configurations (as has anyone whose seen them across large spans of their career!). Yes was my third-ever show back in 1975 and it absolutely blew me away. Intricate & complex music played by hugely talented musicians, amazing stage design, lasers, dedicated fans... standing 15 yards from the stage in a general admission pit I was overwhelmed at times. This is what got me hooked on live music!
It was a chilly Halloween night outdoors on The Lawn at the center of the resort. As the evening progressed & the temp dropped from 70 to the low 50s, the band had to put on jackets to try and warm up a bit. I imagine it's tough to play Yes music with cold fingers. I was excited about this tour when I saw it would feature some TFTO. I've seen them play Ritual & The Revealing Science of God on various tours. A medley was nice... although I'd have been quite happy if they'd done the whole thing straight through.
Venue staff were trying to discourage picture taking. Having lots of Yes pics from over the years, I was satisfied to just snap a few tonight to commemorate the show. These were taken with iPhone 15 Pro Max and edited in Powerpoint.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: