Yonder Mountain String Band
April 10, 2011
McDonald Theatre (Lounge)
Eugene, OR

**Early acoustic show**

Benefit for Lilli Trippe $

Taper: Rockinman
Location: 5 feet from stage, DFC, mics DINA 90 config,clamped to table, stand at 6 feet
Source: akg460mods/ck63 hypercaps(bass rolloff)>UA5 preamp(Wmod)>Marantz PMD661(SPDIF In) @ 24/48 kHz
Transfer: PMD661->USB->PC
Conversion: 24/48kHz wav->Soundforge 8.0 for resample and dither to 16/44.1 kHz,No normalization, L3 Waves Volume Maximizer applied->CDWave Editor->Flac Frontend(level 5)

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Disc 1

01. Introduction by Pastor Tim Christensen
02. Roll On Blues
03. Strophe For An Unsung Albatross (Rhesus Peanut Butter Cup)
04. Hold Whatcha Got
05. Red Rocking Chair
06. The Pan American
07. Lilli Has A Daydream
08. Southern Flavor

$ This show was a benefit that Yonder Mountain String Band performed to raise money for children's cancer research. Lilli Trippe is a beautiful little 3 year old girl with an acute form of leukemia. Lilli's Aunt Peggy Skinner-Davis is a participant of St. Baldrick's Foundation to support Lilli and has previously had her head shaven to raise money as has Pastor Tim Christensen, a well known member of the Yonder Kinfolk community.

If you are interested in more information and then wish to donate, please visit the St. Baldrick's website link below as well as Peggy's participant webpage. Please keep Lilli in your thoughts and prayers.

*** There IS Hope for Lilli and children like her***



Compiled by Tom Gambichler on April 12, 2011