ZZ Top
Winstar Casino
Thackerville OK
May 1 2015
Source: SP-CMC-08s Card elements->SP-SB1(no bass roll-off)->
Zoom H4n 24bit 48htz >HDD>Goldwave to split the file> Audacity to resample to 16 Bit /441>
traders little helper flac level 8
Taper: whotapes
Section VIP Row CC
01 Intro
02. Got Me Under Pressure
03 Waitin' for the Bus
04 Jesus Just Left Chicago
05 Gimme All Your Lovin'
06 I'm Bad, I'm Nationwide
07 I Gotsta Get Paid
08 Foxy Lady
09 Catfish Blues
10 My Head's in Mississippi
11 Cheap Sunglasses
12 Sharp Dressed Man
13 Legs
14 Rough Boy (with Jeff Beck)
15 Sixteen Tons (with Jeff Beck)
16 La Grange - Sloppy Drunk Jam
17 Tush
This was a make up show from last Sept when Dusty had fallen and hurt his hip. I had screamers behind me
and they mark up the recording including making a phone call in the middle of I'm Bad, I'm Nationwide to tell
someone how awesome the show is.In general something was lacking in energy for this show. ZZ Top seemed to be going through the motions
to me. Maybe it was because I was really there to see Jeff Beck I just could not get into ZZ Top even though I have always liked them.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: