Zakir Hussain
Larry Coryell
L Shankar
Anhony Hindson
T.H. Vinayakram
as "Peshkar"
1987 (October 2nd?)
xberry's Original notes:
This is very good quality, and the 2CDs I have show a date of October 2nd, 1987. I hesitated to bill it this way because I found several sites online that showed a Brighton, England date of December 17th, 1987. These were sites with video from the event, so I'm not alltogether sure if my copy is a transfer of the video or completely different. The track listing did not follow what I saw online, but what are the chances that this band played twice in Brighton, England in a 2 month timeframe, with the same musicians?
Goody's additional lineage:
TLH (WAV) > Audition (Tracks 101-106 - Pitch Bender - various amounts; All tracks - Phase correction; tracking; fades) > TLH (FLAC Level 8; align sector boundaries of 101-106; .ffp) > foobar2000 (tags)
Track 101 - Zakir's Intro; Larry's Intro 2:36
Track 102 - Opus 1 7:33
Track 103 - Opus 2 7:36
Track 104 - Intro to "Raagam Tanam Palavi" 0:52
Track 105 - Raagam Tanam 12:44
Track 106 - Palavi 12:04
Track 201 - Intro 2:10
Track 202 - I Want You 14:19
Track 203 - Intro 1:10
Track 204 - Scotland 10:19
Track 205 - Sally 5:17
Track 206 - Saba// 6:47
Track 207 - //unknown title 13:27
The source tape cut off before the title of the final composition was announced.
Text updated for this edition - 3/22/13