Dear DIME members,
We're all some of the luckiest people in the world. We're members of a vibrant international community. We enjoy music, we have internet connections and even if we struggle for it, we have the things that make life more than just a subsistence affair.
As a community, DIME would like to offer support and help to the earthquake victims in Haiti.
For one week (beginning as of today, Thursday, January 14, 2010, and ending at next Wednesday, January 20, 2010) all donations made to DIME will be forwarded to a charity organisation (Bündnis Entwicklung Hilft, a consortium of the five German charity organizations Brot für die Welt, medico international, Misereor, terre des hommes and Welthungerhilfe, see http://www.entwicklung-hilft.de/nachrichten+M5478f8a2eb7.html) for use in the Haiti Earthquake relief efforts.
Your DIME account will be granted VIP status accordingly, but all funds collected during this period will help earthquake victims.
Please support this community effort according to your ability.
Thank you very much in advance!
Olympus LS10 (16bit/44.1 khz, internal mikes, no special settings) >
Sandisk 4G SDHC card > USB 2.0 > hard drive (md5s matched SDHC >
Audio Cleaning Lab 12.0 (boost left channel 0.2 decibels,
normalise the whole thing, tracking) > flac level 8 > this.
recorded by gord k. (voodnfz on dime, voodn on zappateers, etree, and trader's den)
This was seeded for me by unicrayon last August, but it seems to have disappeared.
Now that I've figured out how to do this, here it is again. I can't remember who made
the artwork, but it's very nice. Thanks whoever you are.
Zappa Plays Zappa
01 Intros and poem
02 Purple Lagoon and Imaginary Diseases
03 Pygmy Twilight
04 Idiot Bastard Son
05 Cheepnis
06 Inca Roads
07 Peaches en Regalia
08 Don't You Ever Wash That Thing and Echidna's Arf (Of You)
09 G-Spot Tornado
10 Wind Up Workin In a Gas Station
11 San Ber'dino
12 Joe's Garage
13 Wet T-Shirt Nite and On The Bus
14 Outside Now
15 He Used to Cut The Grass
16 Nanook Rubs It
17 St. Alphonso's Pancake Breakfast
18 Flakes
19 Broken Hearts are for Assholes
20 Bamboozled By Love (incl. Owner of a Lonely Heart)
21 King Kong (incl. Thirteen, Fifty-Fifty, and audience participation)
22 Applause
23 I'm The Slime
24 Uncle Remus
25 Willie The Pimp