Date: Tue, 4 June 2009
Venue: Forum Palace
Town: Vilnius
Country: Lithuania
1. Peaches En Regalia (4:02)
2. Montana (5:54)
3. Magic Fingers (3:42)
4. The Purple Lagoon (1:23)
5. Inca Roads (13:23)
6. Dweezil's speech (1:43)
7. Village Of The Sun (3:09)
8. Echidna's Arf (Of You) (3:53)
9. Don't You Ever Wash That Thing? (10:34)
10. Wind Up Workin' In A Gas Station (2:54)
11. Pygmy Twylyte (8:10)
12. The Black Page #1 (2:21)
13. The Black Page #2 (3:46)
14. G-Spot Tornado (4:19)
15. Lucille Has Messed My Mind Up (3:44)
16. Outside Now (9:35)
17. Bamboozled By Love (6:13)
18. King Kong/band solos (26:22)
Total time: 115 min.
Not recorded:
I'm The Slime
Cosmik Debris
Don't Eat The Yellow Snow
Zomby Woof
Willie The Pimp
Dweezil Zappa - guitar
Scheila Gonzalez - saxophone, flute, keyboards, vocals
Pete Griffin - bass
Billy Hulting - marimba, mallets, percussion
Jamie Kime - guitar
Joe Travers - drums, vocals
Ben Thomas - lead vocals
Source: audience, at the final rows of the amphitheater, about 20-25 meters from the stage, almost equilateral triangle with the stacks
Approximate lineage: Tascam DR-1 [built-in mic, low gain, low cut at 40 Hz,
WAV 24-bit/48 kHz] > Amadeus Pro (sound panorama adjustment, EQ, compression, normalizing, tracking, fade in/out) > iZotope RX (cleaning up unwanted sounds) > Amadeus Pro (dithering/resampling to WAV 16-bit/44.1 kHz) > XLD (conversion to FLAC high compression)
Recorded and mastered by piktstevs
Artwork made by piktstevs using local newspapers that paid attention to the fact that Zappa family visited Lithuania
Though ZAPPA PLAYS ZAPPA intensively toured at that time, the show in Vilnius wasn't an ordinary one. The musical evening was the final part of the whole "Zappa" event here. Frank Zappa's family – Gail, Dweezil and Diva visited Vilnius to see the only statue of the artist that has been validated by the family. The statue was erected in a public square in 1995 by a group of local Zappa's admirers. During the day there have been meetings with people who were responsible for raising up the statue – artists, politicians, etc. Later a copy of the statue was sent to Baltimore.
As it already has been said, the event was crested with the concert that was attended by the same Frank Zappa's admirers, politicians and other more or less "serious" people. In general it was about 700 people – not so many for this venue. Some of these "serious" people were more interested in doing their own business than in what was going on on the stage. So I had an eyes-corrosive pleasure to clean out all the trash these people left in my recording, including bust-up of a few chicks, permanent glass tings and non-stop conversations about everything except the music.
I believe that such music deserves to be recorded in prefect conditions and I didn't have them. One the one hand, my budget limited me to Tascam DR-1 built-in mic which are not very bad. On the other hand, I wasn't familiar with Frank Zappa's music at all before this concert and this ignorance resulted in choosing a bad recording spot – at the final seats of the amphitheater, almost on the roof near the noisy bar behind me. And I took only 2 GB SD card… Nevertheless, it is possible that my incomplete recording is the only audio documentation of this evening.
The sound at the venue was very bright, sometimes even harsh at the high end. Also the lower tones were lacking presence and clarity. So at the post-production I also tried to reduce the harshness as much as possible and to dig out some bass. Some slight sound panorama corrections were made also. So in general the recording is more or less good (7/10).
Just one personal note from the newbie to Zappa's music. For me it was strange to realize that the nicest prog gems that can be found in the music of contemporary bands were composed quite long ago…
Please don't change anything in these files (incl. the info) during further distribution
4 October 2011
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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