Zawinul Syndicate
The Arkaba, Adelaide, South Australia
29 October 2000
Notes on this re-release.
I was unaware that the flacs I released previously were missing 6 minutes of music on track 4, now I am aware of it, I'm making a new set of flacs that contain the complete version which supersedes all other flac releases.
I do not know what was going on with this show as the CD I had it backed up on had some weird track splits( as well as a track, presumably from another show. which I added as filler. I usually noted that on the CD , so I must have omitted to do so) these track splits have now been fixed. Very little of the show is now missing, probably around a minute .
I cannot remember how much of the end of the show I missed due to running out of tapes, it sounds like the track is about to end and Joes does a ,lot of acknowledgements in the final track, since this was over a two hour show, I do not think there was any encore , if there was, I had run out of tape anyway due to the lengthy jams the band played on the night, it was a tour de force.
As stated, the CD backup of this show contained an extra track, which is NOT from this show , although it is audience and the sound is pretty much the same as my recording, I have included it as its a corker of a song .
My note on this show says it is 147 mins long , I have double checked the original tapes, and that is the correct length, and unless I had a third tape that I forgot about completely and subsequently lost, this extra track is not from the Arkaba concert.
Superb show, the sound is , (considering I was only using a single Lavalier mic worth around $150 bucks) , really very good. I once had a dude tell me you could not make a good audience recording using a Lavalier mic, I think this show proves him wrong.
01 Intro To A Mighty Theme (2:50) - Lost Tribes (~5:00) - Waraya (~6:59)
02 Two Lines (12:33)
03 Sunday Morning/Sunday Evening (5:20) - Borges Buenos Aires (14:02)
04 Asi Trabajamos (3:05) - Bimoya (12:37) - Band Intros Jam (7:56) - Bimoya (reprise) (3:28), recorder stopped as tape runs out
05 Guitar solo (2:22) - Guitar & Keyboard Duet (5:10) - Indiscretions (w/Black Market tease) (13:27)
06 Fast City (9:41), recorder stopped as tape runs out
07 Do You Know Who He Was (Continuum) (3:44)
08 Three Postcards (3:28)- Carnavalito (3:42)
09 Mood Indigo - Rockin' In Rhythm (12:27) - Carnavalito (5:14) - [band intros] (2:21) - Carnavalito (reprise) (2:17), recorder stopped as tape runs out
10 D-Flat Waltz (nc) 12:35
thanks to "tracybjazz" for the setlist
Joe Zawinul - keyboards, vocoder
Amit Chatterjee - guitar, vocal
Manolo Badrena - percussion, voice
Nathaniel Townsley III - drums
Victor Bailey - bass, vocal
Joes youngest son did the excellent sound mix, it was flawless and super loud !
The Arkaba was a nice venue, a hexagonal bar with a small stage and great acoustics, it now features Karaoke and cover bands, however up until the turn of the last century, it hosted the likes of Bo Diddley, Zawinul Syndicate and Mike Stern. The show was very badly publicised and a lot more people would have shown up if they had known about it, he probably could have played more nights if the advertising was better.
Sony D6 Pro > 2 Maxell XLS 11 tapes > Sony ECM 150 mic > playback Nakamichi 581 > Mac Pro > WAV > cd> Adobe Audition > 2024 found out the flacs was stuffed, so had another listen, cleaned up applause, made new track joins/ breaks where needed , check missing sound is present on new flacs, > xact.> flac 8
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: