6/8/91 Wetlands New York NY
SBD>Master Cassette>Cassette>Nakamichi DR1>Sony PCM-R300@48K>DAT>
Zefiro ZA2(convert to 44.1K)>Sound Forge*/CD Architect>
CD masters by Frank Venezia (thanks, Helene!)
*Sound Forge used to add some BASS.
CD 1 of 2
Track Name Length In Out
----- --------------- ---------- -------- -----------
1 Cissy Strut 10:03.74 00:00.00 00:10:03.74
2 Tangled Hangers 12:42.54 10:03.74 00:22:46.53
3 Martin Interlude 00:20.04 22:46.54 00:23:06.58
4 Keeper Of The Flame 08:30.48 23:06.59 00:31:37.32
5 Martin 00:48.36 31:37.33 00:32:25.69
6 Tongue 'N' Groove 11:03.33 32:25.69 00:43:29.27
7 Martin 00:20.74 43:29.27 00:43:50.26
8 The Core* 07:32.38 43:50.26 00:51:22.64
9 Rigor Mortis 08:59.33 51:22.65 01:00:22.23
*Master cassette flip at the beginning of The Core -
patched back together with Sound Forge
cd 2 of 2
Track Name Length In Out
----- --------------- --------- -------- -----------
1 Martin 02:10.23 00:00.00 00:02:10.23
2 Smells Like Girls Drums 06:54.53 02:10.23 00:09:05.01
3 Straight Jackets 08:21.55 09:05.01 00:17:26.56
4 Martin 01:09.56 17:26.56 00:18:36.37
5 Golden Road 10:30.21 18:36.38 00:29:06.59
Filler 4/5/91 Sweetwater Mill Valley CA
SBD>DAT>DAT>Sony PCM-R300>Zefiro ZA2>Sound Forge*/CD Architect>CD master
6 Baby Baby 09:38.13 29:06.59 00:38:44.72
7 Little Wing 05:21.69 38:44.72 00:44:06.66
8 Gregg's Eggs 14:55.41 44:06.66 00:59:02.32