Zero - 03/05/1993 (Fri) (2 shn, 2 audio)
EMU Ballroom - University of Oregon - Eugene, OR

Set I : sbd->DAT
Set II : Neumann KM 254's xy (front/center stage lip) &
AKG c-61's (front-sides of stage/ 8' space) ->
Mackie 1604 -> Yamaha AD-20 -> DAT

xfer via D8->SEK'D Prodif Plus->Samplitude Project->

CD #1 - Set I
1.) Cole's Law->
2.) Highway 61*
3.) Home On The Range
4.) Roll Me Over->
5.) Mercury Blues
-- Set II --
6.) Chance In A Million

CD #2 - Set II cont.
1.) End Of The World Blues
2.) Golden Road
3.) Drums->
4.) Gregg's Eggs
5.) E: Horses

* - split second d/o at the end of Highway 61