Ziggy Marley
Vinoy Park
Saint Petersburg, FL
taped and transfered by jeromejello [@yahoo.com]
Source: AT853a (c) > SD MP-2 > ihp120
hrtf#, fob
transfer: ihp120 > usb2 > SF 7.0* > cdwav > flac
released into the wild: 10-06-07
one set only
Disc 1
01. Black Cat [05:50.00]
02. Them Belly Full (But We Hungry) [05:18.00]
03. Be Free [04:30.00]
04. Into the Groove [04:38.00]
05. Rastaman Vibrations [06:16.00]
06. Tomorrow People [04:17.00]
07. Conscious Party [06:13.00]
08. Lively Up Yourself [05:43.00]
09. True To Myself [03:59.00]
10. Beach in Hawaii [05:04.00]
Total Disc 1 [51:48.00]
Disc 2
01. Lifetime [06:33.00]
02. Is This Love [05:56.00]
03. Looking [08:26.00]
04. Jammin [08:24.00]
05. Look Who's Dancing [04:29.00]
06. Love Is My Religion [07:24.00]
Total Disc 2 [41:12.00]
~ show notes ~
Headliner for 'Taste of Pinellas' festival. Most of the earlier acts were
canceled due to Tropical Storm Barry rolling through the morning of the show.
Some of the wind and rain may show its way in the recording.
Unfortunately it was all the dumbasses that were text messaging all around
me that fucked this recording up the most. you will occasionally hear digi-noise.
why people go to a show to sit there and text message or talk
on a cell phone for extended periods of time i will never understand.
# - mics mounted in croakies on sunglasses, stealth stylee
* - Volume bumped +3.0 dB left channel, both channels normalized to -0.1dB