Barry Melton Band 6-15-84 "Train songs"
The Saloon Sf,Ca.
Master Cassette Sony D6 w/Sony Stereo Microphone>
NAK CR3A> hard Drive >Flac6> You…Enjoy!

D1T01 Alabama Bound
D1T02 Wabash cannonball
D1T03 This Train
D1T04 John Henery
D1T05 Train crash
D1T06 Hobo's lullaby
D1T07 Love
D1T08 Love Machine

(2Nd Set)

D1T09 Thirty Days
D1T10 Get The Feeling
D1T11 I Can't Dance
D1T12 The Dance
D1T13 Blind Man

A JAM Production!

Keep It Real, don't buy it or sell it.

The Band:

Barry Melton (The Fish) Guitar/Vocals
John Cipollina (Quicksilver) Guitar/Fangs/Vocals
Peter Albin (Big Brother) Bass/Vocals
Spenser Dryden (Airplane) Drums

The Saloon...Dinky!