Burning Spear and the Burning band
L.A. Music Machine,Los Angeles CA

lineage:AUD>Cass(2)Maxell XLII 90min>Kenwood 1050ct>Xitel Inport(USB)>HD>nero wav editor>Flac6

set list includes:
Roger's introduction
intro jam
resting place
pick up the pieces
they never know jah
school days
dry and heavy
swell headed
rockin' time
christopher columbus
old marcus garvey
what a happy day
door peep
roger's closes the show

notes:Good show and Very nice sound..Fade out applied to the end of side A Fade in applied to the start of side B...Minor editing (removing silence at the beginning and end of the tape....Sectors aligned via traders little helper....

tape transfered on: 2006-11-25 by T.Jones(RKL)