Coalition of the Willing
The Mint - Los Angeles, CA
Taped/Seeded by: Ian Stone (
Schoeps mk4v>kc5>cmc6>lunatec v2>Sound devices 722 (@24bit/96khz)
Resampled/Dithered to 16/44.1
Disc 1:
Tracks 1>6
Disc 2:
Tracks 7>11
Charlie Hunter: Guitars
Bobby Previtte: Drums
Skerik: Saxophone & Effects
Marco Benevento: Keyboards
Note: Boycott this club. We were allowed to tape the show, but upon exiting the venue we were told we could not leave until we paid them $75+
for the "right" to record. The band had OK'd it, the soundman had OK'd it, and we had no problems entering the venue when we told the door
girl that we had permission. Bottom line they pulled some extortion on us to try and get us to pay them more. As an artist, or manager, i'd never
want my fans to be treated this way. I will never go back to this forsaken place. The owners need to check themselves.