The Benevento/Russo Duo
The Chameleon Club
Lancaster, PA
Live 12-30-2006

Source: Church-Audio STC-11s > CA-9100 Preamp > iRiver h120 (44.1 wav)

Transfer: wav file > usb wire > Sound Studio (Mac OS 10.3.9) > split files .aif > flac (xACT)

Location: FOB, about 15 feet from the stage, Mics around my neck

This was my first attempt to tape a show. It actually turned out much better than I thought it would, but it is far from perfect. There are a handful of drops throughout the show, and I started messing with my settings causing a bit of inconsistency in the volume. I boosted the overall volume of the show with Sound Studio (it sounds better to me now). If I screwed something up (other than the actual recording) please let me know. I have the original wav file around still if someone more experienced would like to fix it up a bit. Anyway, sorry for the mistakes and there was a guy with a big mic stand about 5 feet from me, so there will probably be a better source soon, but here's this now. I'll put down the songs I know (or think I know) in the setlist, please fill in the rest.

00. Intro
01. Hate Frame
02. Echo Park
03. Rockets
05. Sunny's Song
06. Becky
07. Memphis
08. Brtbts
10. Play Pause Stop
11. Waltz #1 (Elliott Smith)/Myxomatosis (Radiohead)
13. Encore Break
14. My Pet Goat

Thanks and enjoy!
aj (