Artist: Fairport Convention (acoustic)
Venue: Victoria Hall, Shipley
Date: 5th May 2006
Equipment: Unknown mic to Sharp MD-MT88 minidisk. Transfered to PC using headphone socket, to onboard N-Force 2 motherboard using Audacity. Minor adjustments of volume as necessary to even out the clapping.
Position: Close to rear of hall, on left hand side. The venue was mainly seated, however we were stood up and so the mic was above the level of the crowd, so very little crowd noise on the recording (not that there was much anyway).
Notes: I'm not really a fan of FC and had mainly attended this show as my friends The Hall Brothers were providing the support. Unfortunately, I had a problem with my recorder during their set and it failed to record.
Unfortunately I don't have a setlist, but can confirm they ended the show with "Meet on the ledge".