Fareed Haque Group
The Goodfoot
Portland, Oregon

Source: AKG 481's on-stage (in front of Fareed) ORTF > Audio Magic X-Streamz > w-mod UA-5 > VX Pocket 440 (s/pdif) > Wavelab 5.01b
Transfer: Wavelab 5.01b (gain applied, fades, resample, and dither (UV22HR)in that order) > CD Wave 1.94.2 > Flac16 (6)
Taped and transferred by Chris Larson (ExplOregon@gmail.com)

Set 1
Disc 1
1. Love Song From Aquarius
2. 4 Peace
3. Lonnies Lament
4. Giant Steps

Disc 2
2. Flood In Franklin Park
3. Crazy
4. Poonjob Amal???

Set 2
Disc 3
2. Junct

- The setlist is incomplete. Also, the setlist that is there, may or may not be correct. I'm not too familiar with the songs they play
- Pictures will soon be available at: http://clarson.smugmug.com/gallery/1930377
- 50:39 Idiotic barking dancer hits left channel mic.
- Thank you Keith Hicks for the ticket!