4-May 1974, D.A.R. Constitution Hall, Washington DC
12 min, SBD, B+

Advanced Be Bop Jazz Session (incl. Giant Steps, Little Coquette, Sweet Leilani, Ornithology)
It Can't Happen Here
Hungry Freaks Daddy
You're Probably Wondering Why I'm Here

This version 12:10. The first 1:48 have various problems with the sound: glitches, dropouts.
The rest is smooth and could be rated as A-/B+.

01 Advanced Be Bop Jazz Session* (7:12)
02 It Can't Happen Here (1:53)
03 Hungry Freaks Daddy (2:42)
04 You're Probably Wondering Why I'm Here [incomplete] (0:22)

*incl. Giant Steps, Little Coquette, Sweet Leilani, Ornithology; also incl. The Velvet Sunrise

Exact lineage unknown: CDR --> WaveLab (safe mode extraction + tracking) --> Flac (level 8) --> You

File size: 75.7 MB (flac)