The Sugar Shack
Boston, MA
The Goose
Cosmic Slop
Maggot Brain
Red Hot Mama
Loose Booty
Up For The Downstroke
Featuring :
Vocals: George Clinton, Ray Davis, Grady Thomas, Calvin Simon, Fuzzy Haskins
Drums - Tiki Fulwood
Guitars - Mike Hampton,Garry Shider,Ron Brykowski
Bass - Cordell Boogie Mosson
Keyboards - Bernie Worrell
Source- unknown....CDR>EAC>FLAC
This is possibly one of Michael Hamptons first shows with Funkadelic. Eddie Hazel and Billy Nelson are
are not part of this show but it is one of the rare shows to feature Ron Brykowski on guitar.
The show is most likely incomplete but it does not matter since what was recorded is absolutley