6-Nov 1976, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy NY
Source: 35 min, SBD, B+
Lineage: SB>?>cassette>wav (CEP, track splitted)>flac (Frontend with SBE correction) (218 MB)
(Pioneer W606DR deck/SB Live! Gold Pro soundcard)
Taped by: n/a
Ripped by: BengoFury (unknown tape gen, some hiss)
A.k.a 10-Nov. The SBD starts with Stinkfoot and cuts during Torture.
Stinkfoot (missing the beginning, very special lecture)
Honey Don't You Want A Schmuck Like Me?
Rudy Wants To Buy Yez A Drink
Would You Go All The Way?
Wind Up Working In A Gas Station
Tryin' To Grow A Chin
The Torture Never Stops (ends @ 9:06)
== Frank Zappa's Band Oct 1976 - Mar 1977 ==
FZ, Ray White, Patrick O'Hearn, Terry Bozzio, Eddie Jobson, Bianca [Thornton] (through Nov. 9)