This is a tagged version of shnid: 108955
Harpur College
Binghampton NY
Gen 4 SBD Cassettes > SonyTC-W320 > Marantz 510 > CD > EAC > CD Wave Editor > Flac level 8
Not much is known about the 2.5 source cassette tapes used to create this transfer.
There were just three things noted on the jewel cases I duped my copies from.
All that was noted was "gen 3 SBD" & just after the Violia Lee it said FM.
I take that to mean the Violia Lee, (and possibly what follows), was from an FM broadcast.
It gets even more confusing because to my ears, some of the acoustic set sounds
like an audience recording but some tracks sound like a SBD. (?)
It should also be told there are two versions of the Cold Rain & Snow on the tapes.
One was cut towards the very end, one was complete & said "different source". After listening,
I decided to include both hoping this would be re-mastered & corrected. The complete version is out of pitch & runs slow.
This is not the DP.
I got these tapes from an old deadhead friend back in the mid - late 70's, either 77 or 78 & he had
them LONG before that. There's nothing else I can add here, this is all I know about the tapes.
(Maxell UDXL II 90 minute @ 2.5 tapes)
There was an announcer at the very end after We Bid You Goodnite talking about the National
Paranoid Association. "For those of you out there hiding under couches & in dark places,
we love you, we need you, please donate. We don't want to know who you are or where you are, please come out".
There was more but it was cut & I left it out, only noted here in case someone knows more about this recording.
The only editing performed was to remove some silent between song gaps where it sounded like the taper had
stopped the deck & re-started it to continue recording. Just a few short seconds of silence was removed in
about 6 places.
The tracking could be better, the whole thing needs some better editing & mastering applied.
This is very raw C > CD > EAC > Flac. Each side of a tape was recorded to a single CDR, warts and all,
then the silent gaps were romoved using CD Wave Editor. No other editing was done.
If you burn to CD, this isn't tracked to fit exactly so you will have to divide it up best you can.
If you care to use 5 CD's, your good just as the files read. (I think ?)
Many thanks to my friend Jim Collison for providing the cassettes all those years ago, thanks bub.
Please support the band & purchase the official release, Dick's Picks Vol 8.
Acoustic set:
0101. Don't Ease Me In
0102. "Nice & quiet man"
0103. I know You Rider
0104. Tuning
0105. Friend Of The Devil
0106. Tuning
0107. Banter (some mic feedback)
0108. Dire Wolf
0109. Tuning
0110. BIODTL
0111. Black Peter
0112. Candyman ->
0113. Cumberland Blues
0114. Deep Elem Blues
0115. Banter
0116. Cold Jordan *
0117. Uncle Johns Band *
* w/members of NRPS
NRPS set: (partial ?)
0201 All I Ever Wanted
0202 What ?
0203 Henry
0204 The Sawmill *
0205 The Race Is On *
0206 Mama Tried *
0207 Me and My Uncle *
0208 The Weight
* w/Bob Weir
GD Electric set:
0301 St Stephen ->
0302 Cryptical Envelopment -> Drums ->
0303 The Other One -> Cryptical Envelopment ->
0304 Cosmic Charlie
0305 Cold Rain and Snow (V1 ~ cut)
0401 Cold Rain and Snow (V2 complete, says different source, runs slow)
0402 Danc'in In The Streets
0403 Breaktime
0404 Good Love ->
0405 Drums ->
0406 Good Love Jam -> Good Love
0501 Morning Dew
0502 Casey Jones
0503 It's A Mans World
0504 Violia Lee Blues -> Feedback ->
0505 We Bid You Goodnite
announcer (omitted)
Tagging notes:
Show information is embedded within the header of each flac file.
It will display on any player capable of directly playing flac files.
If converted to wav during processing, all tags will be stripped,
however audio data will remain unaffected.
If you must transcode to a lossy format, do so directly Flac > Lossy.
Use ffp to validate audio integrity.
Md5 values will change if tagging is altered.
A Mills 2/4/14
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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