The Acoustic set of the Grateful Deads late show will fill out Disc3 when it is found.
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As far as we can tell...
Band Grateful Dead
Venue Capitol Theater
Location Port Chester, NY
Date 6/24/70a - Wednesday posters tickets, passes & laminates
Acoustic Dire Wolf [5:50] ; Don't Ease Me In [3:17] ; Attics of My Life [6:12] ; Friend Of The Devil [4:59] ; Let Me In 83968 [4:44] ; Candyman [7:30] ; Uncle John's Band [6:10]
One [65:01] [0:43 intro] ; Casey Jones [4:43] > blaack Peter [8:16] ; [0:48] ; Drums [0:22] > Good Lovin' [1:42] > Drums [2:18] > Good Lovin' [6:#50] ; [0:49] ; Mama Tried [2:34] ; [1:21] ; High Time [7:23] ; [1:42] ; Cryptical Envelopment [2:02] > Drums [4:24] > The Other One [9:18] > Cryptical Envelopment [2:32] > Cosmic Charlie [6:51]
Encore [1:13 emcee] % New Minglewood Blues [3:44]
Comments Total time 69:09 +. Early Show. As far as we know this tape only circulates labeled "Capitol Theater, Port Chester 3/20/70 Early Show." However, Gary Lambert notices that the Intro on the tape (by the show's producer, Howard Stein) goes "Ladies and Gentlemen, the Capitol is proud to have back ... The Grateful Dead" -- and points out that the shows on March 20 and 21st were the Dead's first run at this venue, the June shows their return. Dwight Holmes has studied solos from this tape in comparison with other performances from Spring and from Summer, and says this supports dating the tape to June. The Good Lovin', too, is more suggestive of June than March. Altogether the case seems strong for re-dating this tape, and we now list it here as the June 24 Early Show electric set. It would still be nice to turn up corroborating evidence.The Capitol Theater's ads for the Dead shows on 6/24/70 read: "Wednesday, June 24 | 8 PM & Midnight / 3 hours with | GRATEFUL DEAD | Alone with no other act." Apparently in June the New Riders weren't yet considered an "other act," since we have one of their sets from the evening -- and indeed at this point, with Jerry on pedal steel full time and Phil & one of the drummers often taking part as well, and Bobby a more than occasional guest vocalist, the two bands were not yet completely differentiated. It is clear from the tapes that the Late Show on June 24th consisted of the classic 3-set Dead show of mid-70 (acoustic Dead -- NRPS -- electric Dead). It is not clear whether the Early Show also had this structure or whether it consisted solely of a single electric set -- the tape listed here. (It is just possible that the fragment of a NRPS set listed below as from the Late Show is actually from the Early.)This is quite a good job of AUD taping. There is a tape-flip 9:51 into the Good Lovin' sequence; side B begins with the concluding vocals and runs 1:21; probably less than a minute is lost here and probably this flip is not on the master. It also seems likely that the master contains a complete copy of the encore.
Recordings 70 AF
Contributors Jim Powell Joey Newlander Gary Lambert Dwight Holmes
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