This is a tagged version of shnid: 85071
New Riders of the Purple Sage / Grateful Dead
October 23, 1970
McDonough Arena, Georgetown U.
Washington, DC
Source: Audience
Media: Mallory Duratape C-60
Lineage: AUD > Sony TC-124 > MAC
Transfer: MAC > Nakamichi DR-1 > Grace Design Lunatec V3 > S/pdif > Marantz PMD671 > WAV
Taped by: Cary Wolfson
Transfer by: D. McCabe
Mastering by: D. McCabe
MotB Release: 0004/16bit
Release Date: May 16, 2007
--New Riders of the Purple Sage--
101-d1t01 - Six Days On The Road
102-d1t02 - I Don't Know You
103-d1t03 - Henry
104-d1t04 - Portland Woman
105-d1t05 - Glendale Train
106-d1t06 - Dirty Business
107-d1t07 - Lodi
108-d1t08 - Last Lonely Eagle [tape flip]
109-d1t09 - Honky Tonk Women
--Grateful Dead--
201-d1t01 - Casey Jones
202-d1t02 - Mama Tried
203-d1t03 - Hard To Handle
204-d1t04 - China Cat Sunflower ->
205-d1t05 - I Know You Rider
206-d1t06 - Sugar Magnolia
207-d1t07 - Candyman [tape flip]
208-d2t01 - Good Lovin' ->
209-d2t02 - Drums ->
210-d2t03 - Good Lovin'
211-d2t04 - Me & My Uncle
212-d2t05 - Truckin' ->
213-d2t06 - The Other One -> [tape flip]
214-d2t07 - Not Fade Away ->
215-d2t08 - Goin' Down The Road Feelin' Bad ->
216-d2t09 - Not Fade Away
217-d2t10 - Uncle John's Band
218-d2t11 - It's Been Nice Trippin' With Ya
Mastering Info:
Bias Peak Pro 5.2 / Audiofile Engineering Wave Editor 2.2 / Izotope Ozone 3.0
/ xACT 1.59
Tagging notes:
Show information is embedded within the header of each flac file.
It will display on any player capable of directly playing flac files.
If converted to wav during processing, all tags will be stripped,
however audio data will remain unaffected.
If you must transcode to a lossy format, do so directly Flac > Lossy.
Use st5 to validate audio integrity.
Md5 values will change if tagging is altered.
B. Proctor 1-10-10
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