Grateful Dead
Action House,
Island Park, New York
AUD>MR>?>CD>EAC>SHN (most of NFA from Weinberg source)
AUD>?>C>CD>EAC>SHN (two other aud sources that provide the patch in NFA and all of The Other One)
1. Not Fade Away%--> (14:02)
2. Caution// (0:48)
3. //Drums--> (0:21)
4. The Other One (11:32)
total time: 26:44
--small splice or dropout at 0:43 in NFA
--Bid You Goodnight Jam at 9:34 in NFA
--patch from higher gen source from 12:30 to end of NFA
--Caution cuts soon after starting
--Sound forge was used to normalize and pitch correct the first 2 tracks