This is a tagged version of shnid: 31608
Grateful Dead
Winterland Arena
San Francisco CA
Source: SBD > Master Reel? > Master Cassette > Cassette > CoolEdit > Flac
101 - Me & Bobby McGee
102 - Dire Wolf
103 - Good Lovin' ->
104 - Drums ->
105 - Good Lovin'
106 - Casey Jones
107 - Uncle John's Band
This is the complete set played on 12/23/70 at Winterland. It does not include the
four-song excerpt ("Hard to Handle" through "Cold Rain and Snow") from 12/17/70 that
was long thought to be a part of this show. At the end, Phil says: "Good night, folks.
Merry Christmas and God bless you!" And Jerry adds: "Thanks for helping us bail out
the Bear!"
The show had been billed as a benefit for the Montessori School featuring
the "Acoustic Dead" together with Hot Tuna and the New Riders of the Purple Sage.
"This is how it exists on Bear's cassettes," wrote Dick on a note attached to the
cassette copy. "I can't be responsible for how Deadbase has the songs listed."
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B. Proctor 2-03-10