This is a tagged version of shnid: 32077

The Grateful Dead
The Catholic Youth Center
Scranton PA

Bertha Remaster of the Master Reel source (shn ID 32015)

SBD > MR > DAT > FLAC > DAW(Bertha) > Audio DVD > DVD Audio Extractor v.3.3.2
(audio files extracted prior to burning to DVD disc) > 24/48 wav >
downsampled to 44.1 wav with Wave Lab v.5.00a > dithered to from 24-16 bit
depth with Wave Lab UV22 HR Plugin > SBEs fixed with shntool v.2.0.3 (by set)
> files rennamed with File Renamer v.1.0.0 > FLAC encoding with
FLAC Frontend v.1.7.1 Etree Edition, FLAC v.1.1.2 (level 6)
(1 disc .flac/2 discs .wav)

--Set 1--
d1t01 - //Casey Jones
d1t02 - Mama Tried
d1t03 - Loser
d1t04 - Big Boss Man
d1t05 - Me & Bobbie McGee
d1t06 - Bertha
d1t07 - Cumberland Blues
d1t08 - //Big Railroad Blues
d1t09 - Playing in the Band
d1t10 - Hard to Handle
d1t11 - Sugar Magnolia

--Set 2--
d2t01 - //Truckin' ->
d2t02 - Drums ->
d2t03 - Good Lovin'
d2t04 - I Second that Emotion
d2t05 - Greatest Story Ever Told ->
d2t06 - Johnny B. Goode
d2t07 - //Uncle John's Band

Jay's Notes:

Digitally Remastered using a custom built, Dual-DAW, nicknamed Bertha,
by Completed January 6, 2006.

Frequency analysis revealed a strange upward slope from around 12khz out
beyond 22khz. This is why the high end is so bright and tinny sounding.
It's not known what caused this, though, it is not very common to see this
on a master reel source. Perhaps the recorder had an extended range setting
that was set improperly or possibly recorded with dolby and played back
without dolby. In any case, the curve was corrected, making for a more
natural sounding high end.

The mix is all over the place, sometimes perfect and sometimes overdriven
and badly distorted. Together with the cuts, somebody must have been a bit
too Stoned. And at the Catholic Center no less...the shame. LOL!

From the original text file, prior to Bertha Remastering:

MSR>DAT3x>Delta Dio 2496 soundcard>Soundforge>Flac

This is the complete show. A couple of seconds are missing at the start of
four songs

The original Audio DVD as well as the CD version are available at
Thanks to Jay Ashley for all his hard work on this show!
CD version created 2006-01-10 by Gary F.

Tagging notes:
Show information is embedded within the header of each flac file.
It will display on any player capable of directly playing flac
files. If converted to wav during processing, all tags will be
stripped, however audio data will remain unaffected. If you must
transcode to a lossy format, do so directly Flac > Lossy.
Use ffp to validate audio integrity.
Md5 values will change if tagging is altered.
B. Proctor 6-12-09