This is a tagged version of shnid: 33565
Grateful Dead
April 29, 1971
Fillmore East
New York, NY
100% Complete. No breaks between any songs. Seemless disc
changes and no songs are cut (i.e. complete versions of Bird
Song, Me & Bobby McGee and the jam btwn ChinaCat > Rider)
This version can be assembled onto longer media (like DAT
or DVD) and be enjoyed from start to finish without a single
break or inturruption (other than the set break).
MSR > 7 inch (7.5 ips) Revox A 77 > Alesis Masterlink > CD-R
Patch source:
SBD > Reel > cassette > DAT > CD-R
- Some missing between song segments
- Aprox the last 45 seconds of Bird Song
- Aprox 1:30 seconds middle of Bobby McGee
- Approx 50 seconds of jam btwn China into Rider
Hoax Note:
The above cassette lineage & statement below was an April Fools hoax and is
not true. The memtioned cuts are on the master reels themsleves. The missing
portions have been patched in from other nights of the '71 Fillmore run. The
cuts are brutal. In my book, for just over 2 minutes of patched interleaved
material, this is a much better listen. For the purist, you have been warned.
B. Proctor
--Set 1--
101-d1t01 - Truckin'
102-d1t02 - Bertha
103-d1t03 - It Hurts Me To
104-d1t04 - Cumberland Blues ->
105-d1t05 - Me & My Uncle
106-d1t06 - Bird Song
107-d1t07 - Playing in the Band
108-d1t08 - Loser
109-d1t09 - Dark Hollow
110-d2t01 - Hard to Handle
111-d2t02 - Ripple
112-d2t03 - Me & My Bobby McGee
113-d2t04 - Casey Jones
--Set 2--
201-d2t05 - Morning Dew
202-d2t06 - New Minglewood Blues
203-d2t07 - Sugar Magnolia
204-d2t08 - Black Peter
205-d2t09 - Beat It on Down the Line
206-d2t10 - I Second That Emotion
207-d3t01 - Alligator ->
208-d3t02 - Drums ->
209-d3t03 - Alligator Jam ->
210-d3t04 - Going Down the Road Feeling Bad ->
211-d3t05 - Cold Rain & Snow
212-d3t06 - China Cat Sunflower ->
213-d3t07 - I Know You Rider
214-d3t08 - Greatest Story Ever Told ->
215-d3t09 - Johnny B. Goode
216-d3t10 - Uncle John's Band
217-d3t11 - Bill Graham Rap
218-d3t12 - In the Midnight Hour ->
219-d3t13 - And We Bid You Goodnight
You will enjoy this smooth version of this classic show. Besides
the inclusion of the missing material in Bird Song, Me & Bobby McGee
and the jam btwn ChinaCat > Rider all the between song segments have
been patched or seemlessly smoothed. This represents the most
complete version to date.
The cassettes ware made from reported master reels made from a hidden
location at the Fillmore. The cassettes had cuts in a varity of spots
but fortunetely not in the same spots. The fidelity from the cassette
recordings were obviously not on par with the rest of the master reel
source. Therefore I decided to patch in just the missing portions
and not the entire songs. I tried to make the source switch as smooth
as possible. I did this with multiple edits including crossfades,
adjusting the speed, volume with some noise reduction and EQing. The
results, although not perfect, are not that bad. Better than those
infamouse cuts and missing material. Having smooth btwn song
transisitions makes this a major upgrade in my book.
Included is 300dpi jewel case covers
- Artwork by 300dpi - For best results
print at the highest resolution onto glossy photo paper. Design for
use with a clear slim double jewel case.
Tagging notes:
Show information is embedded within the header of each flac file.
It will display on any player capable of directly playing flac
files. If converted to wav during processing, all tags will be
stripped, however audio data will remain unaffected. If you must
transcode to a lossy format, do so directly Flac > Lossy.
Use ffp to validate audio integrity.
Md5 values will change if tagging is altered.
B. Proctor 6-18-09
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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