New txt file (4/03)

Note from Unicorn:
I've had these files for 2 & 1/2 years. I'm embarrased to say that I *think*
I fixed these myself, using Cool Edit Pro, but I honestly don't remember.
The notation style below looks like mine, but who knows? So if someone else
actually did it, forgive me for not giving proper credit.

If anyone finds any additional glitches, let me now in the discussion group and I
will correct them and repost.


Grateful Dead
May 18, 1972
Kongressaal Deutsches Museum
Munich, West Germany
master reel>>sdb>>?>>dat>>cdr

posted to a.b.g.h on 03-08-2003 by Unicorn

Note: Voices heard during quite sections are from a radio broadcast
picked up by one of the amps.

*** These files were downloaded from Those noted
*** had digital errors that have been corrected.

Disc 1 (72:24)
[Set 1]
1. Truckin' 9:30
2. Sugaree 7:05 major glich at 6:36
3. Mr. Charlie 3:48
4. Jack Straw 4:58
5. Tennessee Jed 7:38
6. Chinatown Shuffle 3:19 repeat at 2:03, digial noise at the end
7. Black Throated Wind 6:37
8. China Cat >> 5:31
9. I Know You Rider 6:39
10. El Paso 4:46 tiny glitch at 2:50
11. It Hurts Me Too 8:04
12. You Win Again 4:29

Disc 2 (42:40)

1. Playin' In The Band 10:42 .76 sec. repeat
2. Good Lovin' 12:04
3. Casey Jones 6:43
[Set 2]
4. Sittin' On Top Of The World >> 3:13
5. Me And My Uncle 3:29
6. Ramble On Rose // 3:29
7. Beat It On Down The Line 3:00 .76 sec. repeat

Disc 3 (62:40)
1. Dark Star >> 27:22 glitch at 17:39
2. Morning Dew >> 11:11
3. //Drumz >> 0:25
4. Sugar Magnolia 7:05
5. Sing Me Back Home 11:42 1st 5 sec. repeats
6. Saturday Night 4:55


Original txt file (from 11/00)

Posted to alt.binaries.gdead.highspeed (thanks to Nic Brokenleg for pointer):

I recently downloaded the SHN files for 72-05-18 from gdlive
and found digital errors in seven of them. Many involved short
sections (around 1 second) that repeated, and the others had
digital glitches.

The errors were:

gd72-05-18d1t102 at 6:36 (major digital glitch)
gd72-05-18d1t106 at 2:03 & the last few seconds (repeat & digital noise)
gd72-05-18d1t110 at 2:50 (tiny glitch)
gd72-05-18d2t201 (.76 sec. repeat, didn't save location)
gd72-05-18d2t207 (.76 sec. repeat, didn't save location)
gd72-05-18d3t301 at 17:39 (digital noise)
gd72-05-18d3t305 at the very beginning (5 sec. repeat)

I have repaired all of them using a WAV editor to seamlessly
clip out only the errors. The only really complicated one was
gd72-05-18d1t102, where I had to insert a fraction of a second
of silence to fill out a beat. I sent an e-mail message to gdlive
asking if they wanted these files. Alas, no one ever answered.

But at alt.binaries.gdead.d, Steve said I should send them on
up (bless his heart :-) ) So here they are.

Mick (Unicorn)" (