*** This is a fixed version of gd73-06-09.130939.mtx.dusborne.flac16 ***
Grateful Dead
June 09, 1973
RFK Stadium
Washington, DC
2 Source Matrix
Soundboard (shnid:000172)
Source: SBD
Lineage: S:MR > cassette > DAT > CD > EAC > SHN
Promised Land, Half Step, and Sugar Mag are
S:MR > PCM > cassette > DAT > CD > EAC > SHN
Patch in Box of Rain (very small) from 2nd source
Extraction and SHN encoding by G.S. Hamilton
Thanks to David Hollister for this beautiful show!!
Flac encoding notes:
All processing with Trader's Little Helper
Shn - st5 generated
Shn > Flac ( level 8 )
Flac - st5 generated and matched to Shn st5
B. Proctor 4-19-08
Audience (shnid:120959)
-- taped and remastered by Monte Barry
-- Sony TC 2850SD portable stereo cassette recorder
-- Sony ECM 99 single-point stereo mic
-- mic is hand-held on mic-stand shaft, with arm raised up
-- FOB center infield, between sbd platform and stage platform
-- transferred professionally by Matt Smith
MAC tapes > Nak BX300 > Apogee Mini Me > Mini DAC (monitoring/mastering) > Lynx One
soundcard > Wavelab 5.0 > 24/96 FLACs > Samplitude Pro > TLH > CD Tag
-- this is a major upgrade in sound quality
-- replaces Monte's shnid 91236
-- this was my first time taping
-- these transfers are not fixed; some flaws remain
-- but now my tapes sound phenomenal
patch list:
-- Promised Land patched until 00:39
-- Tennessee Jed's set-ending announcement is patched
-- China Doll's show-ending announcement is patched
-- I cleaned up a few glitches and tagged the files
SBD patch Lineage:
MR > PCM > cassette > DAT > CD > EAC > SHN > WAV > Samplitude Pro > 24/96
This AUD recording epitomizes the very best of the Grateful Dead "live sound" for the
time. The prototype Wall of Sound is nailed by Alembic and the sound crew for this
show. Set within an outdoor Stadium, this close-up infield FOB spatially captures
sound from the two Aux PA towers on the infield, behind the taper. This sound delay
adds a touch of ear candy as it rolls around the stadium. This show, and June 10
was by far the best sound I ever heard come out of a PA System, period. It was a
sensational orgy of sound.
Matt Smith did a great job transferring these tapes of mine! Thank you!
---Thank you David Hollister for providing the SBD.
---Thank you Greg Hamilton for your work on the SBD.
---Thank you Monte Barry for recording and mastering the show.
---Thank you Matt Smith for the AUD transfer.
---Thank you Dan McDonald (droncit) for technical consultations.
---Thank you XJ32 for the art work.
---Thank you Germain for your advice, encouragement, guidance and seeding.
*** I purchased a new computer at the end of May and when installing my DAW the
in/out settings were incorrectly configured. This reflects the corrections I made
and should replace gd73-06-09.130939.mtx.dusborne.flac16.
Matrix by dusborne
Set 1
101 - gd73-06-09s1t01 - Promised Land
102 - gd73-06-09s1t02 - Deal
103 - gd73-06-09s1t03 - Looks Like Rain
104 - gd73-06-09s1t04 - They Love Each Other
105 - gd73-06-09s1t05 - Jack Straw
106 - gd73-06-09s1t06 - Loose Lucy
107 - gd73-06-09s1t07 - Mexicali Blues
108 - gd73-06-09s1t08 - Row Jimmy
109 - gd73-06-09s1t09 - El Paso
110 - gd73-06-09s1t10 - Box Of Rain
111 - gd73-06-09s1t11 - Sugaree
112 - gd73-06-09s1t12 - Beat It on Down the Line
113 - gd73-06-09s1t13 - Tennessee Jed
Set 2
201 - gd73-06-09s2t01 - Tuning
202 - gd73-06-09s2t02 - Greatest Story Ever Told
203 - gd73-06-09s2t03 - China Cat Sunflower ->
204 - gd73-06-09s2t04 - I Know You Rider
205 - gd73-06-09s2t05 - He's Gone ->
206 - gd73-06-09s2t06 - Truckin' ->
207 - gd73-06-09s2t07 - Playing in the Band
208 - gd73-06-09s2t08 - Loser
209 - gd73-06-09s2t09 - Me & My Uncle
210 - gd73-06-09s2t10 - Mississipi Half-Step Uptown Toodeloo
211 - gd73-06-09s2t11 - Big River
212 - gd73-06-09s2t12 - Eyes of the World ->
213 - gd73-06-09s2t13 - China Doll
214 - gd73-06-09s2t14 - Sugar Magnolia
Special Graphics Collection for this show.
Tagging notes:
Show information is embedded within the header
of each flac file. It will display on any player
capable of directly playing flac files.
If converted to wav during processing, all tags
will be stripped, however audio data will remain
unaffected. If you must transcode to a lossy format,
do so directly Flac > Lossy.
Use st5 to validate audio integrity.
Md5 values will change if tagging is altered.
Dave Usborne 08-26-2014
**Busted, down on Bourbon Street...**
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: