Grateful Dead
Civic Center,
Providence, RI
2 source matrix:
Soundboard (shnid=00214):
Source for disk 1: SBD>MR>C>DAT>CDR
Contributed by Skankweed
Source for discs 2,3: MSR > Reel > 4xDAT > CDR (HHB CDR-850) > SHN (EACx2)
Contributed by John Oleynick (previous d1 from this source had problems, was
Audience (shnid=105919):
new fresh 24 bit transfer
source: aud cassette master
taped by Jerry Moore
lineage: aud>akg d1000e's>sony tc-152sd, (3)maxell ud-120's, dolby b
cassettes re-shelled
nak dragon>hd-p2 24/96>cd wave>flac
transferred & seeded by Rob Berger 2/9/10
-Thank you to Skankweed and John Oleynick for making the SBD available.
-Thank you to Jerry Moore for recording the show.
-Thank you to Rob Berger for making the Audience recording available.
-Thanks to germain for everything;seeding,encouragement,advice and tutelage.
No soundboard circulates for Phil & Ned's Seastones. I have elected not to include it.
It can be obtained here:
Matrix by dusborne using Sound Forge Pro 10.0, Samplitude 11.5 Producer and
Audacity 1.3 Beta for tracking.
set 1
01 - tuning
02 - Big River
03 - Brown Eyed Women
04 - Beat It On Down The Line
05 - Scarlet Begonias
06 - Black Throated Wind
07 - Row Jimmy Row
08 - Mexicali Blues
09 - Deal
10 - The Race Is On
11 - Mississippi Half Step Uptown Toodeloo
12 - El Paso
13 - Ship Of Fools
14 - Weather Report Suite>
15 - Let It Grow>
16 - It Must've Been The Roses
set 2
01 - tuning
02 - US Blues
03 - Me And My Uncle
04 - Jam>
05 - China Cat Sunflower>
06 - I Know You Rider
07 - Roll Out The Barrel tuning
08 - Truckin'>
09 - Other One/Spanish Jam>
10 - Wharf Rat>
11 - Sugar Magnolia
12 - Eyes Of The World
Mix Ratio:
SBD -0 db
Aud -8 db
** some minor mix adjustments here and there when needed **
The audience recording is slow, an adjustment of about + .3 or.4 will put it in
standard tuning.
No noise reduction was used in this matrix.
set 1
---The SBD reels seem to be paused between most songs in this set.
---There were mix flucuations and drop outs on the sbd during Big River, I have
attempted to fix these. Drop outs on the sbd patched with the aud. recording.
---The right channel on the sbd needed to be slightly amplified during the first
minute of Black-Throated Wind. The vocals are still some what muffled during this section.
Set 2
---The right channel in all songs with the exception of jam>china>rider was louder than
the left. On jam>china>rider the left channel was louder. This was fixed in Sound Forge Pro 10.0.
---There are many mix flucuations during U.S. Blues.
---A sbd reel flip during the jam coming out of truckin' was patched with 22
seconds of the aud.
---There were two small drop outs in the sbd during Other One/Spanish Jam that were
patched with the aud.
---Eyes of The World was at a very low recording level on the sbd. I increased it by
a few db in Sound Forge Pro 10.0.
---The first few notes of Eyes are cut from the sbd as it cuts in late and has
tape wobble.
---The sbd is patched for 26 seconds during the outro jam in Eyes with the
aud. recording.
Tagging notes:
Show information is embedded within the header of each flac file.
It will display on any player capable of directly playing flac files.
If converted to wav during processing, all tags will be stripped,
however audio data will remain unaffected.
If you must transcode to a lossy format, do so directly Flac > Lossy.
Use ffp to validate audio integrity.
Md5 values will change if tagging is altered.
dusborne 03-23-2012
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: