Grateful Dead
Winterland Arena
San Francisco, CA
Bob Fried Memorial Boogie

SBD + AUD Matrix 2 Source Mix

Set 1
d1t01 - Tuning
d1t02 - Bill Graham intro
d1t03 - Crazy Fingers
d1t04 - Beat It On Down The Line
d1t05 - Deal
d1t06 - Big River
d1t07 - Peggy-O
d1t08 - Me And My Uncle
d1t09 - Help On The Way (1) >
d1t10 - Slipknot >
d1t11 - Franklin's Tower

Set 2
d2t01 - Tuning
d2t02 - Blues For Allah >
d2t03 - Drums >
d2t04 - Stronger Than Dirt Or Milkin' The Turkey >
d2t05 - Blues For Allah
d2t06 - Tuning
d2t07 - Sugar Magnolia

d2t08 - U.S. Blues

COMMENTS (1) no lyrics

Audio Source Information
SBD (shnid=96125)
SBD Source: MSR@ 7 1/2 ips > Maxell UDXL II reel @3 3/4 ips.(Will Boswell)>Akai GX 625>Apogee Mini Me(24/96)>Apogee Mini DAC(monitoring/mastering)>wavelab 5.0(dithered to 20/44)>CD

Edited and Mastered by Jamie Waddell on the GEMS Edit Station

A GEMS production -+-+- -+-+-

- Big Thanks to Matt Smith for sharing his cd's.
- Patches and post production work performed by Kevin Tobin as part of the matrix\dts project using this show. Trac'ed Cdwave Flac'ed level 8 TLH

Per Matt Smith:
The master of this show is not in the vault so the most likely lineage goes MR@ 7 1/2 ips>R@ 3 3/4 ips.

AUD (shnid=233)

Recorded by Rob Bertrando
Sony ECM-280 mics > Sony TC-152 SD cassette > playback on Nak Dragon > DAT;
audience from Winterland floor, about 30-35' back,
just to the left of dead center.

- Matrix mixed by
- FLAC conversion 01-DEC-2008
Multitrack Mixdown Settings


Stereo Matrix
SBD -0
AUD -1.5


Stereo Matrix
SBD -0
AUD -1.5
Audio Patches:

1) At the beginning of the show, 2 minutes and 42.282 seconds were missing the right channel of the SBD which was filled in using the left channel from the SBD making this portion of tuning\intro a mono recording.

2) At the beginning of the show, 2 minutes and 36.083 seconds were missing from the AUD source and was filled in with audio from the SBD source. This includes the start of Bill's introduction.

3) 2 minutes and 3 seconds into Crazy Fingers, 20.163 seconds were missing from the SBD source and was filled in with audio from the AUD source.

4) 2 minutes and 51 seconds into Crazy Fingers, 47.758 seconds were missing from the SBD source and was filled in with audio from the AUD source.

5) 4 minutes and 57 seconds into Crazy Fingers, 3 minutes and 13.540 seconds were missing from the SBD source and was filled in with audio from the AUD source.

6) 8 minutes and 46 seconds into Crazy Fingers, 5.891 seconds were missing from the SBD source and was filled in with audio from the AUD source.

7) 9 minutes and 36 seconds into Crazy Fingers, 47.131 seconds were missing from the SBD source and was filled in with audio from the AUD source. This includes the last notes of Crazy Fingers into the tuning between songs.

8) 1 minutes and 41 seconds into Beat It On Down The Line, 2 minutes and 16.225 seconds were missing from the SBD source and was filled in with audio from the AUD source. This includes the last half of BIODTL into the tuning between songs.

9) Between Deal and Big River, 1 minute and 30.313 seconds were missing from the AUD source and was filled in with audio from the SBD source.

10) Between Big River and Peggy-O, 43.077 seconds were missing from the SBD source and was filled in with audio from the AUD source. This includes the start of Peggy-O.

11) Between Peggy-O and Me And My Uncle, 51.994 seconds were missing from the AUD source and was filled in with audio from the SBD source.

12) Between Me And My Uncle and Help On The Way, 35.025 seconds were missing from the SBD source and was filled in with audio from the AUD source. This includes the first notes of Help on the Way.

13) At the beginning of 2nd set, 2 minutes and 21 seconds were missing from the AUD and was filled in with audio from the SBD.

14) Between Blues For Allah and Sugar Magnolia, 35.025 seconds were missing from the SBD source and was filled in with audio from the AUD source.

15) Between Sugar Magnolia and US Blues, 07.435 seconds were missing from the SBD source and was filled in with audio from the AUD source. This includes the first notes of US Blues.

16) Timing of this show used the soundboard as the master to which the audience was sync'd to - for the most part the audience ran slightly fast at about .5% which agrees with Rob Bertrando comments about this show. Thank you Rob for a wonderful audience recording.

Brokedown House Production