Grateful Dead
June 14, 1976
Beacon Theater
New York, NY
2 Source Matrix
Soundboard (shnid:82308)
Betty Board > PCM > DAT
SBD DAT from the collection of Todd Evans -
DAT > TASCAM DA-20 (spdif out) -> Apogee Wide Eye spdif innterconnect
-> Lynx Two Soundcard (spdif in) -> Wavelab 6.0 January 30, 2007
Editing and Mastering in Wavelab6.0 by Jamie Waddell
February 1, 2007
SBE FREE 16/44.1
-with some tunings and dead airs exceeding 2 minutes,
I found it beneficial for the listener to track these.
A Betty Cantor Recording a **GEMS** Production
- speed and pitch tested against and matched the circulating sbd.
- small zipper pencil fixed in Row Jimmy
- Patches done using said sbd, shnid 13966.
- First 30 seconds of Cold Rain has spots of heavy zipper
repair and patching. Only remaining audible flaws of show.
- Repaired small dropout towards end of Playin.
- Crazy Fingers. Repaired an 8 second dropout.
- Franklin's Tower patched a few seconds missing.
Audience (shnid:10917)
Source: Sony TC 153 Sony SCM 99A Mikes > Cassette x 2 > DAT
shn encoding : DAT > Tascam Da-p1 dat @48khz > Sek'd Prodif+ card (48>44.1khz) >
Sek'd Red Roaster (fades, edits*) > Cdwav (splits) > Mkw
No dae, no normalizing, no eq, no signal processing.
Dat > shn transfer by Dale Shepherd
Source dats from Dave Minor - many thanks for passing this gem along!
tracking and flaw notes
shntool confirms tracks on sectors
seeded to etree ~ 7/22/02
- this is a rare audience tape in that both deadlists and the taper's
compendium do not list any known circulating auds for this date, perhaps due to
the excellent Betty Board tape available
- this tape will appeal to those interested in the audience ambiance. the sound
is FOB-like (vocals on PA not as prominent as the intruments), captures the
hall resonance, has energetic audience participation, and doesn't suffer from
any significant frequency distortion that I can detect sometimes typical of aud
tapes of this era.
- between song crowd noise/tuning has been cut from most standalone songs
- d2t1 PITB has a brief glitch @17:23
- d3t2 has some music lost at the end (as though the taper thought the song had
ended and paused the tape)
- d3t8 the end of US Blues is missing
---Thank you Betty Cantor for recording the show.
---Thank you Todd Evans for the SBD DAT.
---Thank you Jamie Waddell for your work on the SBD.
---Thanks to the entire GEMS team.
---Thank you Dave Minor for the AUD DAT.
---Thank you Dale Shepherd for the AUD transfer.
---Thank you Mike Vernon for your work on the AUD.
---Thank you XJ32 for the art work.
---Thank you Germain for your advice, encouragement, guidance and seeding.
Matrix by dusborne
Set 1
101 - gd76-06-14s1t01 - Tuning
102 - gd76-06-14s1t02 - Cold Rain & Snow
103 - gd76-06-14s1t03 - Mama Tried
104 - gd76-06-14s1t04 - Row Jimmy
105 - gd76-06-14s1t05 - Cassidy
106 - gd76-06-14s1t06 - Brown-Eyed Women
107 - gd76-06-14s1t07 - Big River
108 - gd76-06-14s1t08 - Might as Well
109 - gd76-06-14s1t09 - Lazy Lightning ->
110 - gd76-06-14s1t10 - Supplication
111 - gd76-06-14s1t11 - Tennessee Jed
112 - gd76-06-14s1t12 - Playing In The Band
Set 2
201 - gd76-06-14s2t01 - Tuning
202 - gd76-06-14s2t02 - The Wheel
203 - gd76-06-14s2t03 - Samson & Delilah
204 - gd76-06-14s2t04 - High Time
205 - gd76-06-14s2t05 - The Music Never Stopped
206 - gd76-06-14s2t06 - Crazy Fingers ->
207 - gd76-06-14s2t07 - Drums ->
208 - gd76-06-14s2t08 - Dancin' in the Streets ->
209 - gd76-06-14s1t09 - Cosmic Charlie
210 - gd76-06-14s2t10 - Help on the Way ->
211 - gd76-06-14s2t11 - Slipknot! ->
212 - gd76-06-14s2t12 - Franklin's Tower
213 - gd76-06-14s2t13 - Around & Around
214 - gd76-06-14s2t14 - U.S. Blues
Tagging notes:
Show information is embedded within the header
of each flac file. It will display on any player
capable of directly playing flac files.
If converted to wav during processing, all tags
will be stripped, however audio data will remain
unaffected. If you must transcode to a lossy format,
do so directly Flac > Lossy.
Use ffp to validate audio integrity.
Md5 values will change if tagging is altered.
Dave Usborne 05-09-2014
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