Grateful Dead
Holleder Stadium
Rochester, NY
Source: master SBD cassette (Dolby B) > cassette (Dolby C) > TC 2000 @ 24 bits > HHb 830
Patched wtih AUD>MC>DAT>CDR ( ShnId 10363 )
Eac(secure with proper offsets) > cool edit pro > cdwav > shn v3
Discs kindly provided by Zeb Weber via David Gans
Eac/Patch/shn by Ernie Dodd
Disc One
Half-Step> *
Me & My Uncle> #
Big River
Friend of the Devil
Looks Like Rain *
Tuning (Jerry "Hot enough for ya? You look like a lobster")
Don't Ease @
Disc Two
Lost Sailor>
Saint of Circumstance
2nd Set
Fire> %
Disc Three
Space> *
Wharf Rat> *
Good Lovin'
E: Saturday Night
--In order to match the pitch of the sbd, I combined the audience (shnid 10363) wav tracks with shntool (shntool join *.wav)
and stretched the large wav in cool edit pro by 102.73% with resampling so that neither the pitch or the time
was preserved. The resulting file matched the corresponding sbd large wav throughout the show
--*-Half-step---the beginning was patched with the pitched aud (shnid 10363)
--#-Me and My Uncle - tape stretch at 1:54 made less obvious by stretching the 2.5 second region by 97%.
--*- LLR---the beginning was patched with the pitched aud (shnid 10363)
--@-Dont Ease Me In---There is some static/feedback before and after Dont ease me in. This "noise" is present at various
places throughout the show. The first few notes of Dont Ease me In have some feedback in the cymbol mics leaving a
distorted sound. Bobby comments on the problem after the song.
--%-Fire on the Mtn.---Some clipping of the levels present.
--*-Space & Wharf Rat---I patched end of space/ beginning of Wharf rat transition with the pitched aud (shnid 10363)
--For fun, I added the aud of Phil's "That's all folks" to the end of the sbd.
An additional installment of The Music Never Stopped Project!