Grateful Dead
Nassau Coliseum
Uniondale, NY

4/02 Complete Version


D1 (set 1) SBD>MR>C>DAT>CD
D2 (set 2a) SBD>MR>Dick Latvala's Cass>DAT>CD
D3 (set 2b) AUDMC (Nak 700's>Sony TC158)>DAT>CD

D1-Set 1
1. /China Cat Sunflower >
2. I Know You Rider
3. Cassidy
4. Loser
5. "Take a step back"/Tuning/Weir's Quiz
6. Me & My Uncle >
7. Big River/
8. "Take a step back"/Tuning
9. Althea
10. Lost Sailor >
11. Saint of Circumstance

D2-Set 2a
1. Shakedown Street
2. Passenger
3. Ramble On Rose
4. Estimated Prophet>
5. Eyes Of The World>
6. Space >
7. Drums...

D3-Set 2b
1. Space >
2. Wharf Rat >
3. Truckin'

4. Johnny B. Goode > "Happy Halloween" outro

D2 (2/02) Notes for set 2a:
From 1:33 to 5:58 of Shakedown Street there is a level drop in the Right channel.
I used some FFT filters in Cool Edit Pro to make a version where the volume drop
is less jarring - however there is a significant increase in the hiss in the
Right channel.

I also retracked the Eyes>Space>Drums sequence. 19th Feb 2002

**Compiled & SHN'd by Dave Shepard ( 4/02

(thanks to my buddy Chuck Reynolds in Crested Butte, CO. for D1 & D3)

*D1 Flaws:
Tr1 /China Cat (beginning of intro-5-10 seconds in length)
Tr5 Couple of small dropouts/diginoise/power loss
Tr7 Big River/ (end of last verse-5-10 seconds in length)

*D2 4/02 Updated Notes:
I patched the Left channel onto the right channel from 1:33 to 5:58 of Shakedown Street. The paste is almost seamless, and makes the tune "just exactly perfect". Dave Shepard (

The vocals don't sound like they came from NAK 700's, but the music sure does!