This a tagged version of shnid: 28470
Grateful Dead
June 21, 1980
West High Auditorium
Anchorage, AK
SBD + AUD Matrix Mix (60%-SBD/40%-AUD)
--Set 1--
101-d1t01 - Sugaree ->
102-d1t02 - New Minglewood Blues
103-d1t03 - Candyman
104-d1t04 - Me & My Uncle ->
105-d1t05 - Big River
106-d1t06 - Loser
107-d1t07 - Lazy Lightning ->
108-d1t08 - Supplication
109-d1t09 - Far From Me
110-d1t10 - Ramble on Rose
111-d1t11 - Feel Like a Stranger
--Set 2--
201-d2t01 - Big Railroad Blues
202-d2t02 - Samson & Delilah
203-d2t03 - Terrapin Station ->
204-d2t04 - Playing In The Band ->
205-d2t05 - Drums ->
206-d2t06 - Space ->
207-d2t07 - Truckin' ->
208-d2t08 - Stella Blue ->
209-d2t09 - Sugar Magnolia
210-d2t10 - One More Saturday Night
211-d2t11 - Brokedown Palace
--disc 1 total time--77:18--
--disc 2 total time--88:41--
**requires a 90 min CDR**
For three 80 minute discs, start disc 3 at Space (d2t06)
Source Info
Soundboard > Cassette Master > Sonic Solutions (20bit) >
Sony SBM2 > Master CD > EAC > FLAC
Taper: Eddie Claridge
Source: AKG 414 stereo mic -> Sony TC-158 deck
Location: At the soundboard patched from Dan Healy
Tech Notes
SHNs were decoded to wave and SF 6.0 was used to reassemble
the tracks back to 1 long wave. CEP2.0 was used to align &
synch both of the sources. CEP2.0 used to adjust the volume
for the SBD & AUD. This is a 60% SBD, 40% AUD mix.
- Mixed by
- SHN conversion 11-FEB-2005
- Artwork by 300dpi - For best results
print at the highest resolution onto glossy photo paper.
Design for use with a clear slim double jewel case.
Cuts btwn most (or all). On both the SBD and the AUD source.
Made this a big pain in the balls. I have not noted all the
editing performed to keep the between song flow sounding as
natural as possible. In most situations the flow is maintained
and is smooth and most likely undetectible.
d1t03 AUD trimmed btwn 21:57.823 to 22:03.875 for a total of
0:06.052 to match SBD. However it is obvious that both the SBD
and the AUD have missing 'crowd' cheer btwn songs. This was
then crossfaded and iss mooth and most likely undetectible.
d1t03 AUD trimmed btwn 22:34.136 to 22:54.407 for a total of
0:20.271 to match SBD again. This was then crossfaded and is
smooth and most likely undetectible.
d1t04 The firsts econds of 'Candyman' on the SBD is patch
with the AUD btwn 22:36.132 to 22:38.684 for a total of
0:02.552. This was D'EQ and raised +2db to make this as
smooth as possible. Noticable but pretty good.
d1t05 AUD trimmed btwn 29:31.317 to 29:46.026 for a total of
0:14.708 to match SBD. However it is obvious that both the SBD
and the AUD have missing 'crowd' cheer btwn songs. This was
then crossfaded and is smooth and most likely undetectible.
d1t06 there is a slight echo on the AUD source during the first
verse. "Don't you push me baby" can be heard twice if you listen
very closely. This is VERY strange. This usually means the 2
sources fell out of synch but this is not the case as the
echo can be heard on the AUD source alone. Why does the AUD
have this small echo? I have no idea.
d1t06 SBD cut and patched with AUD btwn 44:02.150 to 44:45.663
for a total of 0:43.512. I applied a different EQ setting to
the AUD patch as well as the same portion on the AUD source.
This is so it will sound better when mixdown for the 2 channel
matrix mix as well as in 5.1 surround sound. Obviously missing
the SBD source this is noticable but still pretty good.
d1t06 SBD missing bwtn song crowd. There was some pretty
classic crowd stuff going on. So rather than trim the AUD to
match I patch the SBD with the AUD instead from 46:11.651 to
46:46.618 for a total of 0:34.966. Then applied -8db. This
is noticable but pretty good.
d2t01 SBD cut and patched with AUD btwn 0.000 to 01:04.145
for a total of 01:04.145. I applied a different EQ setting to
the AUD patch as well as the same portion on the AUD source.
This is so it will sound better when mixdown for the 2 channel
matrix mix as well as in 5.1 surround sound. Obviously missing
the SBD source this is noticable but still pretty good.
d2t01 SBD trimmed btwn 4:31.833 to 4:48.839 for a total of
0:17.005 to match AUD. However it is obvious that both the SBD
and the AUD have missing 'crowd' cheer btwn songs. This was
then crossfaded and is smooth and most likely undetectible.
d2t02 AUD trimmed btwn 12:18.231 to 12:23.445 for a total of
0:05.214 to match SBD. However it is obvious that both the SBD
and the AUD have missing 'crowd' cheer btwn songs. This was
then crossfaded and is smooth and most likely undetectible.
d2t02 AUD trimmed btwn 12:18.231 to 12:23.445 for a total of
0:05.214 to match SBD. However it is obvious that both the SBD
and the AUD have missing 'crowd' cheer btwn songs. This was
then crossfaded and is mooth and most likely undetectible.
d2t03 AUD trimmed btwn 12:18.231 to 12:23.445 for a total of
0:05.214 to match SBD. However it is obvious that both the SBD
and the AUD have missing 'crowd' cheer btwn songs. This was
then crossfaded and is smooth and most likely undetectible.
d2t05 AUD cut and patched with SBD btwn 41:25.121 to 42:45.237
for a total of 01:20.116. I applied a different EQ setting to
the SBD patch and increased the volume +2db. I also mixed in
a looping crowd cheer portion to better fake and AUD sound.
d2t06 SBD cut and patched with AUD btwn 45:55.237 to 46:25.458
for a total of 0:30.221. I applied a different EQ setting to
the AUD patch as well as the same portion on the AUD source.
This is so it will sound better when mixdown for the 2 channel
matrix mix as well as in 5.1 surround sound. Obviously missing
the SBD source this is noticable but still pretty good.
d2t09 AUD trimmed btwn 77:57.763 to 78:18.864 for a total of
0:21.101 to match SBD. However it is obvious that both the SBD
and the AUD have missing 'crowd' cheer btwn songs. This was
then crossfaded and is smooth and most likely undetectible.
More Info On The SBD
Soundboard->Cassette Master->Sonic Solutions (20bit)->
Sony SBM2->Master CD->EAC->FLAC
Patch Lineage:
Unknown Audience (speed corrected)
{Likely Eddie Claridge AKG 414}
Re-track, FLAC, and upload by Joe Samaritano
- Cassette Masters supplied by Richard Hale
- Transferred and patched by David Gans
- Aud patches: First few notes of Candyman; middle of Loser;
first half of Big RxR Blues; half a minute or so of Space
- Per Richard Hale, this is the best circulating source
More Info On The AUD
Source: Recorded by Eddie Claridge at the soundboard patched
from Dan Healy. AKG 414 stereo mic -> Sony TC-158 deck
Lineage: MAC > [DAT?] > CDR (no intermediate cassette gens)
Encoding: EAC(secure) > Cool Edit Pro > CDWAV > shntool >
mkwact > SHN(seekable) by Matt Vernon
Thanks to John Gaetzi for the source disks!
Tagging notes:
Show information is embedded within the header of each flac file.
It will display on any player capable of directly playing flac
files. If converted to wav during processing, all tags will be
stripped, however audio data will remain unaffected. If you must
transcode to a lossy format, do so directly Flac > Lossy.
Use ffp to validate audio integrity.
Md5 values will change if tagging is altered.
B. Proctor 8-16-09
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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