Grateful Dead 120537
October 30, 1980
Radio City Music Hall
New York, NY
Dead front center
Nak 700 > sony D-5> AMC> DAT> CDR> EAC> TLH> Flac
Recorded by Keith Gatto & Pete Jaeger
Extracted & flac encoded by Michael Turi
Patched and Edited in Sound Forge Pro. 10.0
Tracked in Audacity 2.0 by dusborne
---Thank You Keith Gatto and Pete Jaeger for recording the show.
---Thank You Michael Turi For extracting the files from your personal cd's.
---Thanks to germain for everything;seeding,encouragement,advice and tutelage.
Set 1:
d1t01 - Tuning
d1t02 - Deep Elem Blues
d1t03 - Dark Hollow
d1t04 - I've Been All Around This World
d1t05 - On The Road Again
d1t06 - To Lay Me Down
d1t07 - Heaven Help The Fool ->
d1t08 - Ripple
Set 2:
d1t09 - Tuning
d1t10 - Alabama Getaway ->
d1t11 - Promised Land
d1t12 - Peggy-O
d1t13 - Mama Tried ->
d1t14 - Mexicali Blues
d2t01 - Loser
d2t02 - New Minglewood Blues
d2t03 - Althea ->
d2t04 - Lost Sailor ->
d2t05 - Saint Of Circumstance
Set 3:
d2t06 - Tuning
d2t07 - Shakedown Street ->
d2t08 - Samson And Delilah
d3t01 - He's Gone ->
d3t02 - Truckin' ->
d3t03 - Drums ->
d3t04 - Space ->
d3t05 - The Other One ->
d3t06 - Wharf Rat ->
d3t07 - Good Lovin'
d3t08 - Johnny B. Goode
---This source ran fast, I pitch corrected by -0.3%
---There are no patches, the entire show was recorded.
---Smoothed cuts with fades
---many mic bumps smoothed out as best as could be done without hurting music
Tagging notes:
Show information is embedded within the header of each flac file.
It will display on any player capable of directly playing flac
files. If converted to wav during processing, all tags will be
stripped, however audio data will remain unaffected. If you must
transcode to a lossy format, do so directly Flac > Lossy.
Use ffp to validate audio integrity.
Md5 values will change if tagging is altered.
dusborne 06-06-2012