Grateful Dead
December 14, 1980
Long Beach Arena
Long Beach, CA
3 Source Matrix
Soundboard (Shnid:108813)
{Unknown generation cassette from sound board master}
Now confirmed MSC > C
Transfer and FLAC encoding by David Minches:
Cassette played back on Nakamichi Dragon> Korg MR-1000(DSF [1-bit 5.6448 MHz
Stereo]) Korg AudioGate > WAV [24/96] > Adobe Audition 3.0> Ozone 4.0> FLAC
Speed/pitch Correction by Joe B. Jones.
Missing sections were patched with SHNID 89058.
Patch Info: Nakamichi 300 -> Cassette Master (Sony D5M/Maxell UDXL-II90)
Thanks to Michael Parrish for the sound board recording.
Audience (Shnid:89058)
Recording Info:
Nakamichi 300 -> Cassette Master (Sony D5M/Maxell UDXL-II90)
Transfer Info:
Cassette Master (Nakamichi DR-1) -> Sound Devices 744T (24bit/96k) ->
Samplitude Professional v9.12 -> FLAC/16
(3 Discs Audio / 2 Discs FLAC)
All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller
December 13, 2007
Patch Info:
(FOB) Nakamichi 700 -> Cassette Master -> Dat -> Samplitude -> WAV supplies:
Big River (5:30 - 5:38)
-- All disc changes are seamless
-- Rooster and Around And Around with Matt kelly
-- Drums/Space with Airto Moriera and Flora Purim
-- Recorded By Joani Walker near the sbd area
-- Thanks to Joani Walker and Paul Scotton for the tapes
Audience (Shnid:124583)
Recorded by: Ron Goldshine and John Musgrave with help from Mark the B-Man and Mike Martin
Recorded from the 15th row dead center on the floor with the microphones about 10 feet apart
2 Sennheiser MKH 406 TUD microphones > Sony D5M (w/ Dolby B, Bias @ 70us on 3 TDK MA C-90 tapes)
My Copy of masters:
Sony D5M (w/ Dolby, Bias @ 70us) > Akaii GX-570 D2 (w/ Dolby B, Bias @ 70us on 2 TDK SA C-90 tapes)
Nakamichi CR-7A (azimuth aligned to tape, Dolby B, Bias @ 70us) > Korg MN-2000S 1 Bit DFF @ 2.822 MHz >
AudioGate (convert to 24-96) > Audacity (clean up) >
AudioGate (convert to 16-44) > CD wav > Flac (Level 8) > Stamp ID3 Tag editor
Clean Up notes:
Tape paused between songs
Post-production editing performed to smooth out the transitions
Removed stray pops and distracting claps although some may remain.
Spliced tape flips.
For historical reference only and not intended for resale or any commercial use.
Flying M Productions - (May 2013) - This source is new to circulation (never shared previously from this recorder)
Fan Recordings For Collectors
Trade Freely But Please Do Not Sell
---Thank you David Minches for your work on the SBD.
---Thank you Michael Parrish for the SBD recording.
---Thank you Joe B. Jones for the SBD pitch correction.
---Thank you Charlie Miller for your work on the AUD.
---Thank you Joani Walker,Ron Goldshine, John Musgrave, Mark the B-Man and Mike Martin for recoreding the show.
---Thank you Joani Walker and Paul Scotton for the AUD tapes.
---Thank you Flying M Productions for yur work on the AUD.(Shnid:124551)
---Thank you Germain for your advice, encouragement, guidance and seeding.
Matrix by dusborne
Set 1
101 - gd80-12-14s1t01 - Tuning
102 - gd80-12-14s1t02 - Bertha ->
103 - gd80-12-14s1t03 - Greatest Story Ever Told
104 - gd80-12-14s1t04 - Althea ->
105 - gd80-12-14s1t05 - Little Red Rooster
106 - gd80-12-14s1t06 - Loser
107 - gd80-12-14s1t07 - Me & My Uncle ->
108 - gd80-12-14s1t08 - Big River
109 - gd80-12-14s1t09 - Bird Song
110 - gd80-12-14s1t10 - Passenger
111 - gd80-12-14s1t11 - Candyman ->
112 - gd80-12-14s1t12 - Looks Like Rain ->
113 - gd80-12-14s1t13 - Don't Ease Me In
Set 2
201 - gd80-12-14s2t01 - Tuning
202 - gd80-12-14s2t02 - Cold Rain & Snow ->
203 - gd80-12-14s2t03 - Samson & Delilah
204 - gd80-12-14s2t04 - It Must Have Been the Roses
205 - gd80-12-14s2t05 - Estimated Prophet ->
206 - gd80-12-14s2t06 - The Wheel ->
207 - gd80-12-14s2t07 - Drums ->
208 - gd80-12-14s2t08 - Space ->
209 - gd80-12-14s2t09 - The Other One ->
210 - gd80-12-14s2t10 - Stella Blue ->
211 - gd80-12-14s2t11 - Around & Around ->
212 - gd80-12-14s2t12 - Good Lovin'
213 - gd80-12-14s2t13 - Brokedown Palace
Tagging notes:
Show information is embedded within the headerof each flac file.
It will display on any player capable of directly playing flac files.
If converted to wav during processing, all tags will be stripped,
however audio data will remain unaffected.
If you must transcode to a lossy format, do so directly Flac > Lossy.
Use ffp to validate audio integrity.
Md5 values will change if tagging is altered.
Dave Usborne 08-15-2016
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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