This is a tagged version of shnid: 140902
Grateful Dead
Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum
Uniondale, NY
Wednesday May 6, 1981
This is a 16/44 fileset. 24 bit > 16 bit via dBpoweramp
Source Info:
Jim Wise's Master Audience Cassette w/ dolby B; Sennheiser 421's > Sony TC-D5
Transfer Info:
Cassette Master (Nakamichi Dragon) w/ dolby B > KORG MR1000 (.wav 24 bit-96k) >
Samplitude > Adobe Audition 3.0> TLH flac2496
- Thanks to Jim Wise for the master recording
- Thanks to David Minches for the transfer
- Thanks to Charlie Miller for coordinating this effort
- Evidently, Dan Healy was not feeling friendly toward tapers on this night and was shutting down
any tapers he saw. For whatever reason, he allowed Jeff Hellman to set up his Sennheiser 421's
in the sound booth, Ed Claridge patched out of Jeff Hellman and Jim Wise patched out of Ed Claridge
- Thanks to the folks responsible for the shnid: 139786 Sennheiser 421 source which supplies:
a 0:16 patch in the Jam in "He's Gone", as well as a 0:18 patch in "Drums"
- Transitions smoothed
- "He's Gone" dedicated to Bobby Sands
- noodle into "The Other One" included in "The Other One"
Mastered by Scott Clugston and Charlie Miller
February 2, 2018
--Set 1--
101 - Crowd/Tuning
102 - Alabama Getaway >
103 - Greatest Story Ever Told
104 - They Love Each Other
105 - Cassidy
106 - Jack-A-Roe
107 - Little Red Rooster
108 - Dire Wolf >
109 - Looks Like Rain
110 - Big Railroad Blues >
111 - Let It Grow >
112 - Deal
--Set Two--
201 - New Minglewood Blues
202 - High Time >
203 - Lost Sailor >
204 - Saint Of Circumstance >
205 - He's Gone >
Caution Jam >
Spanish Jam >
206 - Drums >
207 - Space >
208 - The Other One >
209 - Going Down The Road Feeling Bad >
210 - Wharf Rat >
211 - Good Lovin'
212 - Don't Ease Me In
Tagging notes:
Show information is embedded within the headerof each flac file.
It will display on any player capable of directly playing flac files.
If converted to wav during processing, all tags will be stripped,
however audio data will remain unaffected.
If you must transcode to a lossy format, do so directly Flac > Lossy.
Use ffp to validate audio integrity.
Md5 values will change if tagging is altered.
B. Proctor 5-17-2018