This is a tagged version of shnid: 30117
Grateful Dead
War Memorial Auditorium
Buffalo, NY
Sick Bits Vol. 10
Source: Matrix (SBD/AUD mix):
SBD: (SHN ID # 18110) - via Charlie Miller
AUD: (SHN ID # 12554) - via popi n. feeldz
Set 1: Nak 100's w/cardioid capsules>Uher CR-240>DAT>CDR
Set 2: AKG 414's>Revox cassette deck (Cass. Master)>DAT>CDR
(Recorded by Dan Healy at the sbd)
cdr>eac(secure mode)>shn
Both sources were SHN files downloaded from LMA and converted to
WAV > Sony Vegas 5 > WAV > CD Wave > FLAC 16 (level 8)
Matrixed by Chris Chappell
--Set 1--
101-d1t01 - Shakedown Street
102-d1t02 - CC Rider
103-d1t03 - They Love Each Other
104-d1t04 - Cassidy
105-d1t05 - Jack-A-Roe
106-d1t06 - On the Road Again
107-d1t07 - Ramble on Rose
108-d1t08 - Looks Like Rain
109-d1t09 - Brown Eyed Women
110-d1t10 - Let It Grow
111-d1t11 - Don't Ease Me In
--Set 2--
201-d2t01 - Tuning
202-d2t02 - Playin' in the Band ->
203-d2t03 - Bertha ->
204-d2t04 - Estimated Prophet ->
205-d2t05 - Goin' Down the Road Feeling Bad ->
206-d2t06 - Drumz/
207-d2t07 - /DrumSpace ->
208-d2t08 - Not Fade Away ->
209-d2t09 - Morning Dew ->
210-d2t10 - Playin' Reprise ->
211-d2t11 - One More Saturday Night
212-d2t12 - Johnny B. Goode
Total Times:
Disc 1 [79:03]
Disc 2 [73:53]
- for track times see shntool output
General Notes:
By popular vote, this show got the nod for Sick Bits Vol. 10 for obvious
reasons. First and foremost, this show absolutely rocks, with Jerry often
employing a telecaster style twang on the likes of Ramble On Rose, Bertha,
GDTRFB, Johnny B Goode and epitomized in Playin' - that country twang thang
(uptempo, the way I like it - especially in the Reprise). Morning Dew is
impressive, but the spirit of the aforementioned tunes is where the sickness
is, especially the Goin' Down The Road, the highlight of an amazing second set.
Of note is the second electric 'On The Road Again' since 1966 (3 in that year),
and it is one of 4 played in '81 (one of those being acoustic - Melk Weg) with
there only being 12 electric versions post 1980 when it was a staple in their
acoustic set.
Three sources from the LMA provided coverage for this matrix: an okay SBD,
and different, but nice sounding AUDs for each set. The result in my mind
is a very worthy matrix, because each source on its own do not do this
show justice. There are some mix issues from Healy's end on the SBD
(covered in the editing notes), and it should be known that the first two
tunes (Shakedown and CC Rider) and Drums do not circulate in SBD, so there
is no resulting matrix.
This show was not easy to matrix, but in the end it was well worth it. I
definately ended up rediscovering this gem, mainly because the power that is
conveyed in the recording is palpable; and that same energy, albeit raging,
was more diffuse in the AUD I've enjoyed for years. So here's the best of both
worlds - this one is a definate candidate for most improved sound, even though
the final result is not nearly as crisp as the '81 Chicago Uptowns (SB Vols. 2).
-------Reviews from the LLama:
"The Dead came on stage about an hour or more late because they were catching a
Rolling Stones concert in Pennsylvania or somewhere. So they owed us a bit when
they finally arrived."
"This is a very active, high pitched show where nearly every song is in dance
mode. Especially good were the GDTRFB and Morning Dew in the 2nd set."
"This was a strange little 3 show mini-tour, and very hot. The band was smoking
right out of the gate. Shakedown very explosive. The highlight is the killer
Playin-Bertha-Estimated-GDTRFB. Morning Dew came as the final sermon, delivered
by Jerry to the faithful. I am really starting to believe the 1981 May - Sept.
tours were amoung the best. Brent by now, had really started to find his tone."
Thanks to Charlie Miller for the SBD; and Dan Healy for recording the set 2
AUD source. Thanks to John Tallmadge for the AUD source discs; and popi n. feeldz
for the eac>shn transfer of the AUDs.
Tagging notes:
Show information is embedded within the headerof each flac file.
It will display on any player capable of directly playing flac files.
If converted to wav during processing, all tags will be stripped,
however audio data will remain unaffected.
If you must transcode to a lossy format, do so directly Flac > Lossy.
Use st5 to validate audio integrity.
Md5 values will change if tagging is altered.
B. Proctor 5-19-10
Shntool output
Editing Notes
FLAC Fingerprint
SBD & AUD source Note
Timeline/Tracking Notes:
Each set fits on a disc nicely, however there is a small portion
of Drums missing from the second set. Also, Shakedown, CC Rider and
about 8 minutes of Drums are AUD only.
Editing Notes:
- Pitch
Each of the three sources were pitched differently, the set 2 AUD being the
closest to A=440Hz. For the first set, I used the SBD as my pitch reference
and pitched the AUD down on average about -.20 (20 cents), the result is very
close to A=440Hz, leading me to think there is different lineage for the SBD
set to set. For the second set I used the AUD as my pitch reference and
pitch corrected each track of the SBD to it. The SBD on average had to be
ptched up on average about .20 (20 cents) to achieve pitch correction for the
first part of set 2 (through Estimated). At that point the SBD source changes
and is more full and vibrant requiring a pitch correction up on average of only
about .04 (4 cents) - 1.00 being 100 cents which is a semitone. The result is
very close to A=440Hz, however there is some fluctuation throughout the show
due to the age of the recordings.
- Synch
Even after pitch correcting the AUD and the SBD, because of the speed
fluctuation within a given source, multiple edits were performed to keep
the sources synched (too many edits to list).
- Sonic Quality/Matrix ratio/Source mixes
No EQ was applied to any of the sources, but the SBD did receive a little
Waves L2 (limiter) to give it a little more punch and presence. Conceptually,
all I was trying to do here is to add some dimension to the SBD, which is
pretty dry, by using the ambience of the AUD. The result is a lively but clear
recording, hopefully close to how it sounded at the show. If I had to guess
the SBD/AUD ratio would be somewhere between 3:1 and 4:1, leaning more towards
the 3:1 end of things.
The SBD is peak shaven at points mostly during loud chorus sections. Healy
finally dials in the left channel of the SBD during Bertha and the mix is
balanced from then on out; before that however, the left channel is a little
lower than the right for the whole first set. There seems to be a source change
in the SBD after the cut in the intro to GDTRFB. Things get fuller, and Phil
is more present. Minor distortion appears at peaks, but it is not that noticeable
even at it's worse during Drums. The AUDs are both great, providing enough "hash"
to liven up the SBD.
- Edits
The following are places where the SBD or AUD had holes or incomplete coverage
in reference to the final matrix timeline.
d1t01 all - missing
d1t02 all - missing
d1t10 (0:01 - 0:08) - missing
d1t05 (0:16 - 0:27) - missing (source change)
d2t06 all - missing
d2t11 (3:16 - 3:18) - right channel only
d1t08 (8:34 - 9:53) - missing (crowd)
d2t01 (0:00 - 0:57) - missing (crowd)
d2t07 (0:00 - 0:12) - missing
- Recap
Almost full coverage was achieved by combining both sources, with the exception
of an unknown amount of Drums missing. This was a tricky matrix due to what
would seem to be multiple SBD sources and two AUD sources, all of which were
pitched differently. The hard part was matching the SBD/AUD ratio (and resulting
blend) source change to source, so what I did was to minimize the difference
within reason. The most noticeable is the change during the intro to GDTRFB; thus
everything before that has more AUD than after, which is pretty board heavy
especially because they rock every tune till the end.
FLAC Fingerprint:
AUD text file:
Grateful Dead
War Memorial Auditorium
Buffalo, New York
September 26, 1981
Set 1: Nak 100's w/cardioid capsules>Uher CR-240>DAT>CDR
Set 2: AKG 414's>Revox cassette deck (Cass. Master)>DAT>CDR
(Recorded by Dan Healy at the sbd)
cdr>eac(secure mode)>shn
Thanks to John Tallmadge for the discs
eac>shn popi n. feeldz
1. Shakedown St.
2. CC Rider
3. They Love Each Other, Cassidy
4. Jack A Roe
5. On The Road Again
6. Ramble On Rose
7. Looks Like Rain
8. Brown Eyed Women
9. Let It Grow
10. Don't Ease Me In
1. Playin'
2. Bertha
3. Estimated
5. Drums
6. Space, Not Fade Away
7. Morning Dew
8. Playin'
9. Saturday Night
10. * Johnny B. Goode
SBD text file:
9/26/81 - Grateful Dead
War Memorial Auditorium
Buffalo, NY
Recording Info:
Transfer Info:
(Patched w/Nak 100/CP4>Cm>Dat>CD)
The patch supplies Shakedown Street, CC Rider And Drums
I used Samplitude v6.0 to do the patch and normalize the complete show.
All transfers and edits done by Charlie Miller
Set 1:
d1t01 - Shakedown Street ->
d1t02 - CC Rider
d1t03 - They Love Each Other
d1t04 - Cassidy
d1t05 - Jack-A-Roe
d1t06 - On The Road Again
d1t07 - Ramble On Rose ->
d1t08 - Looks Like Rain
d1t09 - Brown Eyed Women ->
d1t10 - Let It Grow ->
d1t11 - Don't Ease Me In
Set 2:
d2t01 - Tuning
d2t02 - Playing In The Band ->
d2t03 - Bertha ->
d2t04 - Estimated Prophet ->
d2t05 - Goin' Down The Road Feeling Bad ->
d2t06 - Drums ->
d2t07 - Space ->
d2t08 - Not Fade Away ->
d2t09 - Morning Dew ->
d2t10 - Playing In The Band ->
d2t11 - One More Saturday Night
d2t12 - Johnny B. Goode
length expanded size cdr WAVE probs filename
13:20.43 141221180 --- -- --- gd81-09-26d1t01.wav
8:04.52 85499948 --- -- --- gd81-09-26d1t02.wav
6:56.57 73516508 --- -- --- gd81-09-26d1t03.wav
5:31.19 58433132 --- -- --- gd81-09-26d1t04.wav
4:31.47 47914988 --- -- --- gd81-09-26d1t05.wav
3:19.58 35240060 --- -- --- gd81-09-26d1t06.wav
6:33.28 69391100 --- -- --- gd81-09-26d1t07.wav
10:08.61 107394716 --- -- --- gd81-09-26d1t08.wav
5:46.37 61121468 --- -- --- gd81-09-26d1t09.wav
11:10.49 118303292 --- -- --- gd81-09-26d1t10.wav
3:58.41 42079676 --- -- --- gd81-09-26d1t11.wav
1:02.23 10990940 --- -- --- gd81-09-26d2t01.wav
10:12.13 107987420 --- -- --- gd81-09-26d2t02.wav
6:52.51 72796796 --- -- --- gd81-09-26d2t03.wav
10:19.73 109363340 --- -- --- gd81-09-26d2t04.wav
6:54.45 73135484 --- -- --- gd81-09-26d2t05.wav
8:11.37 86699468 --- -- --- gd81-09-26d2t06.wav
2:37.41 27791276 --- -- --- gd81-09-26d2t07.wav
5:53.64 62419772 --- -- --- gd81-09-26d2t08.wav
10:08.23 107305340 --- -- --- gd81-09-26d2t09.wav
2:47.72 29628188 --- -- --- gd81-09-26d2t10.wav
4:52.64 51659372 --- -- --- gd81-09-26d2t11.wav
4:25.52 46868348 --- -- --- gd81-09-26d2t12.wav
153:42.00 1626761812 B (totals for 23 files)
8f023dce1cd21fc02d65068b1ae3407b *gd81-09-26d2t11.shn
317ba7c324ee5b5e773d64d246022b06 *gd81-09-26d1t02.shn
cbda05aa7a231843176430e8c68cea14 *gd81-09-26d1t03.shn
5966b9bf4d35e9e9758485dff4f5e61e *gd81-09-26d1t04.shn
24aa1cee7b7c963f4381d6d34f21ff10 *gd81-09-26d1t05.shn
5d0bd789d5ca870263ae86ed21eba74a *gd81-09-26d1t06.shn
044a1d2cd7108a574a5e7334d88752a6 *gd81-09-26d1t07.shn
8ce5f6f40e1269f03614dfc16f2007fd *gd81-09-26d1t08.shn
30c27b66696715ed39c751cc5ca6f6e2 *gd81-09-26d1t09.shn
ff0c0518ccec64dac0cb234a4b153c63 *gd81-09-26d1t10.shn
5c2095a530efd025316126fb8a01d2e8 *gd81-09-26d1t11.shn
17cb727d78899b02ba37d4f44b93f545 *gd81-09-26d2t01.shn
76a7c632aff9e3bb542cb9543604fb8b *gd81-09-26d2t02.shn
da0f0a1e58da7796d554f509b7d4bec9 *gd81-09-26d2t03.shn
132d69a8382189b4ac1b743d0c0ae311 *gd81-09-26d2t04.shn
29e4f40b0e8b332955134859317f1aba *gd81-09-26d2t05.shn
6f01a69abbcb627087bd4c3c8e387558 *gd81-09-26d2t06.shn
532ad4a0381586fbff1383cedb956f3e *gd81-09-26d2t07.shn
e09b20873e4c4c0ca5309bd199f8d31b *gd81-09-26d2t08.shn
f36b69ff76068ffc0aaaa7221565a45c *gd81-09-26d2t09.shn
3f292acfd85e1f8d9735ecfecc53bac2 *gd81-09-26d2t10.shn
69f8e877ccaf6c75b6fbbb8600707e47 *gd81-09-26d1t01.shn
c0b8c28365c27a697b05f4f6839d1843 *gd81-09-26d2t12.shn
f6c75b6fbbb8600707e47 *gd81-09-26d1t01.shn
c0b8c28365c27a697b05f4f6839d1843 *gd81-09-26d2t12.shn
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: