This is a tagged version of shnid: 21918
Grateful Dead
March 13, 1982
Centennial Coliseum
Reno, NV
MAC - Taped by Steven Martin,
modified Nakamichi CM-700 mics > Sony TC-D5M on Maxell metal tape)
Nak Dragon playback > Cardas audiophile cables > HHB CDR 800 master CD >
Samsung SW-232B extraction (EAC v0.9 beta 4) > tracking (CD Wave) >
sector boundary verification (shntool v1.01) > .flac encoding
(flac 1.1.0, compression level 8)
A > D by Steven Martin
EAC > SHN by Jack Warner (jackmw1ATsbcglobalDOTnet)
--Set 1--
101-d1t01 - Alabama Getaway ->
102-d1t02 - Greatest Story Ever Told
103-d1t03 - Friend of the Devil ->
104-d1t04 - C C Rider
105-d1t05 - Brown Eyed Women
106-d1t06 - Cassidy
107-d1t07 - It Must Have Been the Roses
108-d1t08 - New Minglewood Blues
109-d1t09 - China Cat Sunflower ->
110-d1t10 - I Know You Rider
--Set 2--
201-d2t01 - Tuning
202-d2t02 - Feel Like a Stranger ->
203-d2t03 - Franklin's Tower
204-d2t04 - Estimated Prophet ->
205-d2t05 - Eyes of the World ->
206-d2t06 - Drums// ->
207-d3t01 - Space ->
208-d3t02 - The Other One ->
209-d3t03 - Black Peter ->
210-d3t04 - Around & Around ->
211-d3t05 - Good Lovin'
212-d3t06 - Don't Ease Me In
--disc 1 total time--61:28--
--disc 2 total time--50:43--
--disc 3 total time--47:02--
*Tape flip after D1T6, no music lost
*Small pause after D2T3, no music lost
*Tape flip at the end of D2T6
Tagging notes:
Show information is embedded within the header of each flac file.
It will display on any player capable of directly playing flac
files. If converted to wav during processing, all tags will be
stripped, however audio data will remain unaffected. If you must
transcode to a lossy format, do so directly Flac > Lossy.
Use ffp to validate audio integrity.
Md5 values will change if tagging is altered.
B. Proctor 11-17-10