Grateful Dead
April 11, 1982
Nassau Coliseum
Uniondale, NY
2 Source Matrix
Soundboard (shnid:108852)
Recording Info:
SBD -> Cassette Master -> Reel -> Dat (48k)
Transfer Info:
Dat (Sony R500) -> Samplitude Professional v11.1 -> FLAC
(3 Discs Audio / 2 Discs FLAC)
All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller
July 11, 2010
Patch Info;
(FOB) Sennheiser 421 -> Cassette Master -> Dat -> CD (shnid=6959) supplies:
Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodeloo (0:00 - 0:04)
Let It Grow (0:00 - 0:47)
Not Fade Away (5:07 - 5:24)
-- Set 2 disc change is seamless
-- Thanks to Rob Eaton for lending me his Dats
Audience (shnid:114002)
AUD: 2x Nakamichi CM300's > Sony TC-D5M > TDK MA-90's. Set up
behind the stage, recorded from the rear-facing P.A. system.
Taped by Joe Morrone.
Transfer: MAC > Nakamichi CR5A > Edirol FA-66 > Wavelab 2448 >
R8Brain > CD-Wave > TLH > FLAC 1644 Tagged. Transfer by Andrew F.
Notes: Not clear what caps were used on the CM300's, was likely
the CP1's. Opening notes missing from Good Time Blues. Patch from
ID-102037 in Drums 1:46 > 2:26.
---Thank you Charlie Miller for your work on the SBD.
---Thank you Rob Eaton the SBD DATs.
---Thank you Joe Morrone for recording the show.
---Thank you Andrew F. for your work on the AUD.
---Thank you Germain for your advice, encouragement, guidance and seeding.
Matrix by dusborne
Set 1
101 - gd82-04-11s1t01 - Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodeloo ->
102 - gd82-04-11s1t02 - Franklin's Tower ->
103 - gd82-04-11s1t03 - El Paso
104 - gd82-04-11s1t04 - Candyman ->
105 - gd82-04-11s1t05 - Little Red Rooster
106 - gd82-04-11s1t06 - Althea ->
107 - gd82-04-11s1t07 - Beat It on Down the Line
108 - gd82-04-11s1t08 - Row Jimmy
109 - gd82-04-11s1t09 - Let It Grow
Set 2
201 - gd82-04-11s2t01 - Bertha ->
202 - gd82-04-11s2t02 - Samson & Delilah
203 - gd82-04-11s2t03 - Never Trust a Woman
204 - gd82-04-11s2t04 - He's Gone ->
205 - gd82-04-11s2t05 - Truckin' ->
206 - gd82-04-11s2t06 - Drums ->
207 - gd82-04-11s2t07 - Space ->
208 - gd82-04-11s2t08 - Not Fade Away ->
209 - gd82-04-11s2t09 - Black Peter ->
210 - gd82-04-11s2t10 - Around & Around ->
211 - gd82-04-11s2t11 - Good Lovin'
212 - gd82-04-11s2t12 - Don't Ease Me In
Tagging notes:
Show information is embedded within the header of each flac file.
It will display on any player capable of directly playing flac files.
If converted to wav during processing, all tags will be stripped,
however audio data will remain unaffected.
If you must transcode to a lossy format, do so directly Flac > Lossy.
Use ffp to validate audio integrity.
Md5 values will change if tagging is altered.
Dave Usborne 03-08-2017
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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