Grateful Dead
August 1, 1982
Zoo Amphitheatre
Oklahoma City, OK
2 Source Matrix
Soundboard (shnid:10226)
EAC/SHN by Willy
Seeded to etree 06/26/02
Audio discs provided by Steve Wigley
Johnny B. Goode (Missing)
U.S. Blues (Missing)
-Jerry's 40th Birthday
-Splice/half beat missing at 1:05 of They Love Each Other
-Splice/half beat missing at 4:35 of Big River
-MC Flip @ start of Drums
-I used CD Wave and Shntool to retrack and verify sb's, and CE2K for
all editing.
Flac encoding notes:
All processing with Trader's Little Helper
Shn - st5 generated
Shn > Flac ( level 8 )
Flac - st5 generated and matched to Shn st5
B. Proctor 10-26-10
Audience (shnid:82883)
Source: (FOB) Nakamichi CM-700s > Sony TC-D5M > MC > Cassette x2
Location: FOB, 12th Row, LOC
Taper: David Seligman
Transfer: 2nd GEN Cassettes > Nakamichi Cassette Deck 2 (azimuth adjusted) > Kind Kables RCA/XLR >
Lunatec V3 (@24 bit 96 kHz) > coax > Audiophile 2496 > WaveLab 5.0 > 24 bit WAV >
Waves L3 UltraMaximizer(dither) > 16 bit WAV > CD Wave Editor > TLH > FLAC16.
- levels in left channel were raised slightly
- SBE's fixed w/ Trader's Little Helper. Files encoded @ level 8.
- 2nd GEN cassettes provided by Jake Feinberg
- Transfer, edits and conversion by Alex Ford
- Jerry's 40th Birthday
---Thank you Willy Munder for your work on the SBD.
---Thank you Steve Wigley for providing the SBD discs.
---Thank you David Seligman for recording the show.
---Thank you Alex Ford for your transfer and master of the AUD tapes.
---Thank you Jake Feinberg for providing the AUD cassettes.
---Thank you Germain for your advice, encouragement, guidance and seeding.
Matrix by dusborne
Set 1
101 - gd82-08-01s1t01 - Jack Straw
102 - gd82-08-01s1t02 - They Love Each Other
103 - gd82-08-01s1t03 - C C Rider
104 - gd82-08-01s1t04 - Tennessee Jed
105 - gd82-08-01s1t05 - Me & My Uncle ->
106 - gd82-08-01s1t06 - Big River
107 - gd82-08-01s1t07 - China Cat Sunflower ->
108 - gd82-08-01s1t08 - I Know You Rider
Set 2
201 - gd82-08-01s2t01 - Playing in the Band ->
202 - gd82-08-01s2t02 - Iko Iko ->
203 - gd82-08-01s2t03 - Playin' Jam ->
204 - gd82-08-01s2t04 - Lost Sailor ->
205 - gd82-08-01s2t05 - Saint of Circumstance ->
206 - gd82-08-01s2t06 - Drums ->
207 - gd82-08-01s2t07 - Space ->
208 - gd82-08-01s2t08 - The Wheel ->
209 - gd82-08-01s2t09 - Playin' Reprise ->
210 - gd82-08-01s2t10 - Black Peter ->
211 - gd82-08-01s2t11 - Around & Around ->
212 - gd82-08-01s2t12 - Johnny B. Goode*
213 - gd82-08-01s2t13 - U.S. Blues*
* Audience source only
Tagging notes:
Show information is embedded within the header of each flac file.
It will display on any player capable of directly playing flac files.
If converted to wav during processing, all tags will be stripped,
however audio data will remain unaffected.
If you must transcode to a lossy format, do so directly Flac > Lossy.
Use ffp to validate audio integrity.
Md5 values will change if tagging is altered.
dusborne 03-15-2013
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: