This is a tagged version of shnid: 142998
Grateful Dead
Date 1983-09-02
Boise State University Pavilion
Boise ID
Master: AUD MC Beyer M201's X-Y 7'up > Sony TCD5M no dolby
Nakamichi ZX-C90 x 2
Location: 40 feet from stage, DFC
Transfer: Nakamichi CR-5A (24/96) > Tascam DR680|SD > i7Windows7
Audacity > cdwav editor > TLH flac level 8
This is 16 bit copy
Mastered: Executive Crew Kyle Holbrook Chris Kidwell Tom Pinney
Transferred: Kyle Holbrook
--Set 1--
s1t01 - Wang Dang Doodle->
s1t02 - Jack Straw
s1t03 - They Love Each Other /
s1t04 - Mama Tried->
s1t05 - Big River
s1t06 - Brown Eyed Women //
s1t07 - New Minglewood Blues /
s1t08 - Big Railroad Blues /
s1t09 - Looks Like Rain->
s1t10 - Deal
s2t01 - Help On The Way-> Slipknot!-> Franklin's Tower
s2t02 - Estimated Prophet->
s2t03 - Eyes Of The World-> // Drumspace #
s2t04 - Space ->
s2t05 - Throwing Stones->
s2t06 - Goin' Down The Road Feelin' Bad->
s2t07 - Black Peter-> ///
s2t08 - Sugar Magnolia
--Encore-- **
s2t09 - It's All Over, Now Baby Blue
/ tape paused between songs
// tape flip in middle of verses
/// tape swap from 2 back to 1 side B
# missed some drums
** Missing on Holbrook master; came from Kidwells's master
Master: AUD MC Beyer M201's X-Y 7'up > Sony TCD5M no dolby
Nakamichi ZX-C90 x 2
Location: 40 feet from stage, DFC
Transfer: Nakamichi CR-5A (24/96) > Tascam DR680|SD > i7Windows7
Audacity > cdwav editor > TLH flac level 8
This is 16 bit copy
Mastered: Executive Crew Kyle Holbrook Chris Kidwell Tom Pinney
Transferred: Kyle Holbrook
The tour story:
We had one day to get from Eugene OR to Boise ID. We had driven through Wyoming on the way out to San Francisco
so had not done the route through Idaho. The two states share a border and it seemed to us to be closer than the
drive ended up being. None of us had ever been to Idaho and the thought was the Dead were playing in some laid back
country town. It turned out the University of Idaho is there, was a pretty bustling town and the show was in the
pavilion operated by the university. The place was nice, sort of new at the time but small, like the arena at UWV.
On the drive into town was the famous "Boise Welcomes the Grateful Dead" banner across the road into town. I assume
that is what Phil was referring to in the opening of the show when he stepped up to the mic and said: "Citizens of
Boise-Submit!" The band was in top form after their Hult run and it seemed they were happy to be a bit less
constrained by curfew times playing a 10 song first set and a whopper second set including the by now every third show
of 1983 Help>Slip>Franklin's throw-down. The second set including encore goes 1 hour 45 minutes; even then we noticed
how they seemed to be having a blast without the tight curfew.
The band was relaxed, there wasn't a huge Deadhead contingent in the audience so there were less "expectations of
the band at this show. I recall there were tickets available at the local box office and all of us wound up with
good seats, including Chris, Tom, and I who were about 12 rows back Dead center with the mic stand and three D5's.
We did get the usual questions and some sideways looks, but by the time Tom had given stickers to their girlfriends
and the first set was over, there were zero complaints about the mic stand and all our GD clutter.
The Wang Dang Doodle > Jack Straw opener set the tone for the evening with Jerry's vocals and Phil's bass bathing
us with Dead yumminess. The rest of set 1 was classic Dead with just enough "cowboy" influence for the Boise vibe.
The Help > Slip > Franklin's came out in its' every third show slot for this tour and was well played given a few
flubs heading into Franklin's. The Estimated > Eyes is slow and deliberate with the tunes out of space played in a
very tight manner. The night closed with a pretty Baby Blue sending us off into the evening toward the University and
some late food. We did stay there that evening but got ready to head south for Salt Lake City the next morning. I think
one of us had worked at or been skiing at Park Cities so we were anxious to make it to the resort town.
- - - - - sbe's at end of sets
Tagging notes:
Show information is embedded within the headerof each flac file.
It will display on any player capable of directly playing flac files.
If converted to wav during processing, all tags will be stripped,
however audio data will remain unaffected.
If you must transcode to a lossy format, do so directly Flac > Lossy.
Use ffp to validate audio integrity.
Md5 values will change if tagging is altered.
B. Proctor 8-27-2018
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