Grateful Dead
October 15, 1983
Civic Center,
Hartford, CT
Sets I & II
A photoLeon Matrix
Source #1 (1388580 - reMaster); Recording Info: (FOB 17th row) Senn 441 > Technics PCM > DAT. Transfer Info: Dat (Panasonic SV-3700) > Tascam DA-3000 > WAV 16/44.
FOB recording by Jeff Silberman
Transfer by Charlie Miller
Edited & Mastered by Joe Noel
23 July 2017
Source #2 (7313); Recording Info: SBD > Cassette Master > Dat x 2 > CDR > SHN (Bob Harrell)
Matrix created in Adobe Audition by Joe Noel
October 07, 2022
- First 18 sec of BRRB is Source #1 only
- Not listed in the info file of Source #2 (7313) is a patch in CCS (3:00 - 3:05) that has been replaced with Source #1 (138858). Also PitB has 4 secs missing which has been patched (4:05 - 4:10) with Source #1 (138858).
- The Source #2 patch in PitB (12:38.22 - 12:59.69) was replaced w/ Source #1 (138858)
- The Source #2 patch in OMSN (0:02.41 - 0:09.02) was replaced w/ Source #1 (138858)
Thanks to
- Jeff Silberman for the the FOB recording
- Charlie Miller for the transfer
- Bob Harrell for the sharing the SBD source
- Jack Schlottman & John Ammons for the critique.
- Set I -
s1t01 [crowd - tuning]
s1t02 Feel Like a Stranger
s1t03 Dire Wolf
s1t04 New Minglewood Blues
s1t05 Brown Eyes Women
s1t06 Wang Dang Doodle
s1t07 Big Railroad Blues
s1t08 Let It Grow ->
s1t09 Keep Your Day Job
run time; 1:00:15.760
- Set II -
s2t01 [crowd - tuning]
s2t02 China Cat Sunflower ->
s2t03 I Know You Rider
s2t04 Playing in the Band ->
s2t05 China Doll ->
s2t06 Drums ->
s2t07 Space ->
s2t08 Saint Stephen ->
s2t09 Throwing Stones ->
s2t10 One More Saturday Night
s2t11 [encore break]
s2t12 Brokedown Palace
run time; 1:30:06.000
Total Run Time; 2:30:21.76
Checksums & tags created in xACT
Tagging notes:
Show information is embedded within the header of each flac file.
It will display on any player capable of directly playing flac files.
If converted to wav during processing, all tags will be
stripped, however audio data will remain unaffected.
If you must transcode to a lossy format, do so directly Flac > Lossy.
Use ffp to validate audio integrity.
Md5 values will change if tagging is altered.
[J.Noel 13 July 2023]
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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