This is a tagged version of shnid: 35408

Grateful Dead
Rochester War Memorial
Rochester, NY

Fix of shnid 32884

I adjusted the pitch of this source down in CE Pro, doing a time/pitch
stretch of 101.86%. I also patched in the beginning of Shakedown
Street and Me and My Uncle from the Neumann U-87 recording hosted on The volumes were matched as closely as possible and 4-6
second crossfades were used. Because these are both AUDs, the patches
are very transparent. Shntool was used to clean up all the SBEs.

Please note, this is not the source on (which was used for
the patches). This is a much better recording which is not available
there yet, but hopefully will be soon.

Bill Tetzeli (
7:01 PM 6/29/2006

Source: FOB Sennheiser 441s > Sony D5. Patched out of Steve Adleman's D5>D5 at the show.
Transfer: MAC playback on Nakamichi BX-100 > Panasonic SV3700 DAT > Tascam CD-RW > MCDs
extracted with EAC to WAV > FLAC. Originally recorded to analog MAC and transferred to
digital realm by B.Koucky.

Editing/remastering: All editing with Wavelab 5 (Level fluctuations adjusted using gain
function > Tape pauses between tracks during the first set & tape flips smoothed with
crossfades > Waves L3 Multimaximizer at -1.1 dB threshold, ceiling -0.1 dB with hi res
CD rendering > CDWAV 1.9 > FLAC (level 5) > by C.Ladner.

--Set 1--
101-d1t01 - Shakedown Street
102-d1t02 - Little Red Rooster
103-d1t03 - Peggy-O
104-d1t04 - Me & My Uncle ->
105-d1t05 - Mexicali Blues
106-d1t06 - Dupree's Diamond Blues
107-d1t07 - Cassidy
108-d1t08 - West L.A. Fadeaway
109-d1t09 - Might as Well

--Set 2--
201-d2t01 - tuning/crowd
202-d2t02 - Hell in a Bucket ->
203-d2t03 - Ship of Fools
204-d2t04 - Far From Me ->
205-d2t05 - He's Gone -> Jam ->
206-d2t06 - Drums ->
207-d2t07 - Space -> (with both Billy and Mickey)
208-d2t08 - The Other One ->
209-d2t09 - Stella Blue ->
210-d2t10 - Around & Around ->
211-d2t11 - Johnny B. Goode

212-d2t12 - Keep Your Day Job

Tagging notes:
Show information is embedded within the header of each flac file.
It will display on any player capable of directly playing flac
files. If converted to wav during processing, all tags will be
stripped, however audio data will remain unaffected. If you must
transcode to a lossy format, do so directly Flac > Lossy.
Use ffp to validate audio integrity.
Md5 values will change if tagging is altered.
B. Proctor 7-02-12